 3 9144 отзывов

Karachi Marriott Hotel

9 Abdullah Haroon Road, 75530 Карачи, Пакистан доступа

Karachi Marriott Hotel

Отель Karachi Marriott расположен в самом сердце города, напротив Фррере Холла и Парка. Отель обладает отличной доступностью ко всем направлениям и из всех направлений. Он предлагает множество услуг, в том числе исполнительный уровень с частным залом, 24-часовым бизнес-центром, 24-часовым обслуживанием номеров, Health Club, с открытым бассейном и спа-салоном. Самый популярный торговый центр Clifton Beach и Dolman расположены всего в десяти минутах езды. Историческое чудо и архитектурное дворец Marvel Mohatta также можно посетить по дороге на пляж Клифтон. Бизнес или удовольствие, Карачи Марриотт - первый выбор путешественников.



Karachi Marriott Hotel
9 Abdullah Haroon Road, 75530 Карачи, Пакистан

Karachi Marriott Hotel


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Политика Дом

  • Заезд: 14:00
  • Отъезд: 12:00

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  • Количество конференц-залов: 15
  • Количество спальных комнат: 217
  • Самый большой размер конференц-зала: 14276 sq. ft.
  • Вместимость самого большого конференц-зала: 1000


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Мы ставим цели и политику, чтобы уменьшить потребление энергии и воды, катализируют наш прогресс и пересмотреть нашу работу. Мы также сотрудничаем с поставщиками, чтобы обеспечить продукты, которые сберегают энергию, уменьшить и отвлекают отходов и состоят из более устойчивых материалов. Мы поощряем устойчивости в наших кухнях посредством таких мер, как покупка органических и ответственно источников пищи, посадки травяные сады, поиска поставщиков обойме яйца, свободные и экспорт продукции из морепродуктов поймали на устойчивой основе и рециркуляции масла для жарки.

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Полезности отзывы 9 144 отзывов

A Google User
6 лет назад – Google


One of the best 5 stars hotels of Karachi. It is specially known for its food and music and the concert hall is big enough to accommodate around thousand people.

Muhammad Asif Paryani
6 лет назад – Google


Nice hotel in this vicinity. This area got three major hotels n among them its best in my view. Its infront of Freer hall n park.

E Tunnel
6 лет назад – Google


Highly standardized in hotel industry comfortable room quick responsbile services gym is much better swimming pool and outdoor fun activities. Meeting room saminar hall awesome ♿🚭🌠🌟⭐🌠📶📺📖💻🎵

Shoaib Khalil
6 лет назад – Google


I have been staying at Marriott for last 10 years and have found it to be a reasonably good hotel. on positive side, the reception staff is efficient , check in take short time, the service is generally good and they have free and fast Wi-Fi. The hotel is centrally located.
In terms of facilities it needs major renovations, the rooms are old and done in 1980s style.
Probably the worst places in the hotel are gym and swimming pool. the gym equipment is 30 year old and dilapidated, swimming pool needs major uplift.
Food is just ok! the serve free breakfast for room guests and it's good. The other restaurants are way too expensive with very limited dinning options.

Imran Shaikh
6 лет назад – Google


Nadia coffee shop is out of this world. Humble staff. Food is excellent

Nshn Productions
6 лет назад – Google


One of the best hotel I have ever stayed in the world. Cafeteria is well maintained with variety of breakfast items and fast serving service. House keeping staff was very professional. Health club staff was excellent. Highly professional. Swimming coach were highly trained (coach qaiser, shakeel and ratan) and helped my kids a lot to learn swimming.
Overall we enjoyed our stay and will stay with them in future as well.

A Google User
6 лет назад – Google


Very beautiful place. Situated in the heart of city. Nice and cooperative staff.

M. Taimoor Aijaz
6 лет назад – Google


I have been to this place several times and is a great venue for corporate meetings, conferences and dining with nice ambience. The management of the hotel is very good.

Bilal Muhammad Rafiq
6 лет назад – Google


From childhood we and our family always celebrate every occasion or celebration over there whether its a birthday ,my promotion, wedding anniversary or eid or any happy moments,Marriott comes first in our mind and as a result they give their best among all.

Yesterday I visit the iftar buffet it was really awesome the food the management the again and again knock off service by the staff. Mashallah keep it up guys and the management carry on. And be on the top among all.

javed Hasan
6 лет назад – Google


Its a five star international chain Hotel located in the center of the city,about 2 kilometers away are located another two 5 star hotel, the Avari Tower,Pearl Continental and Hilton.
Marriott is a very well furnished,comfortable rooms, available to your choice.
A cosy snack bar,various restaurants to choose from,serving local and continental cuisine, a big shopping arcade and halls for big gatherings are one of the main attraction.Parking no problem entrance for wheel chairs and a very tight security arrangements.

Abdus Salam Khan
6 лет назад – Google


Great location but pathetic parking. The rooms are cozy and provide good relax g atmosphere. The view is alright and the service quality is good. Overall not a bad experience except for the parking.

Zill-e-Hasnain Kazmi
6 лет назад – Google


Nice place. Old construction but neat and clean. Staff and services are excelent.

Haad Bajwa
6 лет назад – Google


5 star according to Pakistani standards. Free pickup from airport buffet very nice. Not a huge hotel but good and right in centre of Karachi. Malls restaurants all at walking distance. Highly recommended 😎👌👍

Ali Raza
6 лет назад – Google


A peaceful place to spend some time away from the hectic and stressful schedule of day to day life. In addition, the Nadia Cafe's hi tea is one of the best with a wide variety of scrumptious treats. A must visit place with family especially.

Jabiha Razi
6 лет назад – Google


The lobby area is among the nicer hotels in Karachi. But if you want a room some bigger in size in lower category like deluxe this is not the choice. So good for eating out but fairly average for stay

Farhatullah Qureshi
6 лет назад – Google


I had gone to this place recently on a function arranged jointly by IAP-KC & the KOHLER's DESIGN CONCLAVE at the Ball Room. The food at the Dinner tables was very delicious & mouth watering & so was the ambience. Toilets were clean & up to mark. In the past I used to frequent it regularly by visiting Wong Chinese Restaurant the Nadia Coffee Shop & the Mango Festival at the Pool Side which were very good.

6 лет назад – Google


Great hotel, amazing services. A Bit old, could use remodeling. Bkfast buffet and it's staff were amazing. Great service overall. Great experience.

Engineering Dudes
6 лет назад – Google


Extremely amazing hotel. One of the best ones I've ever been to. Best food and very helpful and friendly staff. The only problem is their parking gets pretty busy as compared to any other hotel. But still very great hotel.

Ahmed Patel
6 лет назад – Google


Well maintained. Secure. But the cleaning staff over there does not take precautions, i was gifted with oil paint or something from above on my return from the hotel, apparently some workers were painting a part of the marriot hotel building. Other than that, everything was good.

Aiman Khalid
6 лет назад – Google


Nice clean Marriott! I gave them 5 stars because of they're amazing service! I was with other people and they were at the Chinese restaurant there but I don't even like Chinese so my relatives asked the waiter if he knew any other food place here and the Chinese restaurant themselves made me Karahi which was the best!

Rolf Fitschen
6 лет назад – Google


Like most Marriott Hotels outside of the Gulf states, it's comfortable but dated. Well located. The breakfast has an excellent selection.

Sundus Pirwani
6 лет назад – Google


Nadia cafe is best for brunch. We love the ambiance and variety in their buffet. They have a section of selected food items dedicated for kids. Have recently installed a chocolate fountain. Which, offcourse, kids loves.

Abdul Wasay Mahmood
6 лет назад – Google


One of the A-Lister among different luxurious hotels in Karachi, Pakistan. Amazing cuisine and leisure time activities available at reasonable prices. Really Famous among foreigners and visitors from all over the Pakistan, as far as customer care is concerned.

Waseem Ahmed
6 лет назад – Google


Wonderful ambiance with soothing environment. Their Hi Tea & Ala Carte food is very good. Desserts are also good. Hope they can improve on quality of food on large events, as I am not satisfied with their food on events like weddings, etc. Rest is fine.

Iqbal Noor
7 лет назад – Google


Karachi Marriott is super great on service. from the doorman to restaurant managers, waiters and other attendants. the breakfast is really good and the location is excellent for visiting Karachi attractions. the rooms tend to be a bit dated but comfortable.

Amir Abbas
7 лет назад – Google


One of the oldest and famous five star hotel in Karachi. It has many branches in Pakistan. It is located in the heart of Karachi from where major sightseeing are located. They have all foods available. Their high tea is very famous.

Destiny Ricky
7 лет назад – Google


Marriott hotel is one of the famous hotel in Karachi Pakistan. It has multiple dinning restaurants and luxirous accommodation facility. In terms of location this is one of the best. You can find Faisal Bank and Emirates office next to it.
Farrier hall just opposite to this hotel which is famous for its historical building.

Naveed Channa
7 лет назад – Google


Probably one of the best hotels in Karachi. Very nice ambiance, the place has very neat and clean environment throughout the hotel. Security is also good. Rooms are very comfortable. Very good lunch and dinner buffet. Good selection of items in high tea. Food is very delicious. The pool is clean and excellent. Kids can also enjoy. Fitness club and swimming pool are great. The staff of hotel is very polite and helpful. I recommend Marriott if you want to enjoy your stay in Karachi.

Ghazanfar Ali Shaikh
7 лет назад – Google


Best amongst all competitors in Karachi. Rooms, service, hospitality & other stuff all up to the mark. Quite a number of restaurants offering various cuisines with exquisite ambiance and superb service.

Saqlain Ahmed
7 лет назад – Google


Karachi Marriott Hotel is the five star hotel where every facilities are available there. Wifi over there is much better than other hotels. For enjoying vacation if u have to book hotel try to book Marriott Hotel. U be also like it

pervaiz khan
7 лет назад – Google


In my opinion Marriott is one of the best hotel in the Karachi. All staff members are well aware of the importance of the customer service. I would like to give excellent to house keeping staff on their customers service. In future I will prefer to stay in the Marriott and I will recommend to choose Marriott hotel if you want to enjoy your stay in Karachi.

Ghazanfer Abbas
7 лет назад – Google


A 4 star hotel that is located in the heart of karachi. One of few top hotels of Pakistan. Good environment, clean rooms. Good place for business meetings or stay

Hassaan Umair
7 лет назад – Google


A 5 star hotel. The food is very good, the rooms are very comfortable. A good place even if you just want to dine out

Saleem Multanwala
7 лет назад – Google


It's amongst the most famous 5 star hotels in town. Most foreigners prefer to stay here due to its central and secure locality. Popular with local elite as well.

Naveed Channa
7 лет назад – Google


Very good menu. Good high tea. Kids can also enjoy. Fitness club and swimming pool are great

Zeeshan A Khan, Awan
7 лет назад – Google


The parking is too far for bikes and there is no safe way to come from bike parking area to hotel entrance like foot path etc. You have to walk on man road and most probably the road is full with vehicles that are running very fast on sides the high-speed bikers are coming in front of even some time there is no way to go because of traffic jam, you must have to go opposite direction of traffic to reached hotel after parking your bikes and when there is traffic jams you know Karachi's biker will not leave the space for pedestrian .... Otherwise its fantastic hotel

Shaheen Nauman
7 лет назад – Google


A centrally located 4 -Star hotel with good restaurants especially the Chinese restaurant "Suzie Wong" & Nadia for high tea or breakfast. Ample car parking facility & highly secured. A good place for organizing events or weddings in its halls. A good view of Frere Hall from the Hotel.

Mukaram Aden
7 лет назад – Google


The hotel is very nice Rooms are spacious services is excellent Staff is is very cordial.It is an experience itself.It happens some time in future will come to Marriot only.

Taha Raja
7 лет назад – Google


Great hotel in karachi. Shows a little age but it is one of the top hotels in the area. Close proximity to the city as well

mehro meher
7 лет назад – Google


This is a very large and Nice Hotel they have parking and they have Good place for business dealings. And you can also book a room during your trip. And also enjoy the food which available for everyone.

Farhan Q
7 лет назад – Google


One of the better hotels of Karachi. This place has a very neat and clean environment. Excellent security level and great rooms. You can enjoy a snack, high tea or a small meal at Nadia Coffee shop or on the first floor Dumpukht buffet if Desi and traditional Pakistani food. They have a nice pool which is clean. The concierge and other hotel services and staff are polite and helpful.

Amin Sukhiani
7 лет назад – Google


Excellent place to stay in Karachi. Has good restaurants, event halls, wedding halls, shops and live music. Food quality and variety are also good.

Bilal Shiakh
7 лет назад – Google


Karachi's one of the finest 5 start hotel... Having all major facilities gir daily life... a great place for visitors

Farooq Mazhar
7 лет назад – Google


It has great food. Friendly service. Nice cozy environment and great selection of cuisine.

Izak Oosthuizen
7 лет назад – Google


The hotel is beautiful but still needs more attention to maintenance. However they are busy with it. They should not take so many guests if the rooms are sub standard

jahanzaib alvi
7 лет назад – Google


amazing rooms and best staff. food served here is outclass

Amir Haleem Syed
7 лет назад – Google


One of the better hotels in Karachi, Pakistan. Used to be a great hotel with amazing cuisine but over the years the food quality has started to fluctuate. I would still recommend it as it is one of the better options in Karachi. Decent fitness center and a good pool. Free high speed internet is available on wifi.

Faheem Sibtain
7 лет назад – Google


Excellent rooms, huge parking, good quality and variety of food, prompt services, Banquet and meeting halls as per your need

Sheeraz Khan
7 лет назад – Google


Had great time at Marriott Karachi, rooms are very well decorated and equipped with all basic necessities. Lobby is awesome, food at Dampukht Restaurant is the best comparing the other two restaurants i.e. Nadia and the Chinese. I rate it the second most finest hotel of Karachi.

Talha J Khaaan
7 лет назад – Google


A great family Place..Plus An Insane Cafe Named NADIA inside With Amazing Tea And Food

Faiza Ali
7 лет назад – Google


Brunch at Nadia coffee shop was lovely. Good variety of dishes.

Ebad Syed
7 лет назад – Google


Nice hotel, haven't lived here but attended events. Nice lobbies and cooperative staff

ghulam farid
7 лет назад – Google


A great place to stay in Karachi. I love their swimming pool the most

Abdul Rauf
7 лет назад – Google


Overall Marriott Hotel is good.
In the month of Ramzan they offer Iftar Dinner, which needs taste improvement.

Abdul Majeed brohi
7 лет назад – Google


Marrit naam hi kaafi hy
Lovely palace and so sweet

Faizan Gul
7 лет назад – Google


Cozy, Hygenic, Peaceful, Calm, Good services

Shaikh Kashif Amjad
7 лет назад – Google


Its a nice place. I really enjoy with my sweet family.

Farhan Syed
7 лет назад – Google


One of the best hotels in town. Top notch security and popular with travellers

Waseem Abbas
7 лет назад – Google


Good location but rooms are not as per standards, we spent almost 20 hours but I don;t like the place

Matthew Victoria
7 лет назад – Google


Had an amazing stay. Security us top notch. Staff very friendly. Best hotel in Karachi to stay in

Naseer Khan
7 лет назад – Google


One of the top hotels in Karachi.hotel staff help full and friendly.food and service very good and specially​ hotel security is also strict.....

Ubaid Awan
7 лет назад – Google


A very good and one of the best hotel not only in Karachi also in Pakistan, Wheelchair accessible and valet parking also available.
A huge variety of foods of Pakistani, Chinese are here. Security and overall atmosphere standard is very good.

Abrar PEC
7 лет назад – Google


Nice lively hotel. Wheelchair accessible. Valet parking available. Xoxo song Chinese buffet is V good.

Muhammad Zia Mehmood
7 лет назад – Google


One of the top hotels in karachi. Good food and service. Security is also strict. Wish there was more space to sit in the lobby though

Sajid Siddique
7 лет назад – Google


Overall its a good hotel. Services are very good, room keys were not good enough...but its fine :). Meal ..menu..different dishes ..BBQ, Biryani..fish..everything is soooo delicious.
Overall its a good hotel

Shaharyar Ali Malik
7 лет назад – Google


One of the best five star hotels of the city. Ideal location with luxurious rooms & banquet facilities.

Kamran Zahid Awan
7 лет назад – Google


A good venue to be hanged out at. Fine dining, finer ambiance and finest people. Else than 'compulsory music' which you have to bear at every cost, rest is great.

Muhammad Zaman
7 лет назад – Google


Good place to stay. Comfortable rooms. Service staff is good

Shakil Rajooansa1
7 лет назад – Google


Beautiful hotel to live or dine. It also gives parties and conference services.

Syed Imran Ahmed
7 лет назад – Google


Love to be here. Good food and friendly staff. Parking facility. Nice and quiet place to spend quality time. Romantic place. Bath tubs and room service with WiFi available.

Tariq Shah
8 лет назад – Google


Check out procedure is a nightmare. I had three rooms booked and I made sure I checked out on respective dates. However, on the last check out the hotel had added charges of other people on to my account saying I never checked out. Gave me a name of the person who was staying at that room after I had checked out. It was a chaos. Otherwise, the hotel was good.

Hafizullah Siddiqui
8 лет назад – Google


Very fine environment
Delicious food
Five Star servings
Affordable prices
Money back guaranty

Shahrukh Haider
8 лет назад – Google


Loves the food and general ambience of the place especially with the live music and All

Roman Romanich
8 лет назад – Google


Not bad at all. Good room. Breakfast could be better.

Faris Mushtaq
8 лет назад – Google


I with my uni friends used to come here on weekends for fun and specially sheesha smoking which is now no more available. Very calm environment !!

Lim EV
8 лет назад – Google


Safe hotel and very good services. I would choose this in my next trip again.

My last visit to Karachi was 1 year ago and I am back to this same hotel again. My second time here and I noticed that the Deluxe room (cheaper rooms) are smoking rooms and the floor I was assigned has heavy second hand smoke smell at the walkway. But the room is alright (less smell).

Thumbs up from room and amenities cleanliness perspective and the safety factor is superb.

Wajih ur Rahman
8 лет назад – Google


Went there to attend a wedding. The food was good but there was a long queue of cars held up because of tedious security checks. Parking is also inadequate.

Farooq Rathore
8 лет назад – Google


One of the few good hotels in Karachi. Good service, various options for food ( breakfast, lunch and Dinner). Great place for meetings

Husain Azfar
8 лет назад – Google


Upscale hotel with shops. High security. Good quality food. Also excellent to host business meetings.

Mubarak Ahmad
8 лет назад – Google


As compared to moven pick, rooms are small and there are less acessories in rooms like there is no bath tub in deluxe rooms or shoes for washroom.
But rooms are tidy and they also have an iron in room to press ur clothes. Moven pick doesnt have an iron available in all rooms thats a good thing.

Mary Ann Tupil
8 лет назад – Google


Hotel has very good security. Staffs are really nice and attentive. Rooms are okay, but needs further cleaning as some areas are a little dusty. Food in dumpkht is great, especially the curries. Lounge serves limited food but is spacious and quiet. Wifi is bad and slow most of the time..

Sib Kaifee
9 лет назад – Google


The #Marriott Karachi is by far the worst 5 Star hotel I have stayed in. The attitude of the staff is not friendly and they don't care if they run the @SadruddinHashwani empire down. Customer treatment is no better then a local level government department. Two room air cons malfunctioned. Third room A/C had to be fixed since it was freezing the room even after turning it off. Bathroom was dirty. The security physically frisks you even though they have scanners. And they made a big issue on requesting a simple bottle of water knowing that I am a guest at the hotel paying top dollar for their executive suites. This is what happens when the owners can't oversee their business and leave it in hands of carefree employees. The Avari in this sense is much better. Avari cares and therefore they will get my repeat business.

Adnan Nizami Khan
9 лет назад – Google


As far as official meetings are concerned it is really one of the best, And the meal was also good.

Shahid Khalily
9 лет назад – Google


I love to work again with proffesional people it was good experience all most 18years back i wish allah listen my wish again excellent hotel in the world always good service proud to Mr Hashwani

Shahzad Qureshi
9 лет назад – Google


Nira khan ur right.many hotels used hidden cam.