 8186 отзывов

KeyLime Cove Resort Waterpark

1700 Nations Dr, Gurnee, IL 60031, США доступа

KeyLime Cove Resort Waterpark

Остров отдыха находится в нескольких минутах езды от Чикаго или Милуоки. Keylime Cove ваша Флорида-Кис стиле семейного отдыха, который предлагает что-то для всех. Lost Paradise Indoor Waterpark предлагает 65000 квадратных футов всплеск тэстик острых ощущений -.. Исключительно для гостей курорта. Из воды пользуются магазины острова подписные рестораны Paradise Mist Spa аркада и разнообразные развлечения и уличных торговцев.
 Ваш окончательный курорт опыт в северо-восточном штате Иллинойс Keylime Cove приветствует семей своей тропики вдохновил крытый аквапарк курорта в любое время года. Независимо от того, глядя Youre, чтобы избежать холодных температур снаружи или остаться и играть с пакетом билет Six Flags Great America летом Keylime Cove предлагает идеального отдыха Thats в пределах одного часа езды от Чикаго или Милуоки. Всплеск день далеко в Lost Paradise крытый аквапарк отдохнуть в курортном стиле люкс или гостевой восстановить силы в Paradise Mist Spa. Голодный Keylime Cove есть два ресторана подписи, а также быстро фуды, чтобы удовлетворить все, что вы жаждете. Испытайте свою удачу в последних играх в Riptide Reef Arcade. Примите участие в одном из ежедневных забавой или тельности фестиваля Закат на Дюваль-стрит. Не забудьте сувенир от одного из уникальных магазинов или создать свой собственный друга в Pinkis Pet Palace. Поза для снимка с красочными Райские птицы. Откройте для себя удовольствие на каждом углу в Keylime Cove, расположенного в Gurnee Иллинойс.

KeyLime Cove is conveniently located off I-94 in Gurnee IL at the Grand Avenue IL-132 East exit. The resort is a one hour drive from both Chicago and Milwaukee. It is within one mile from Six Flags Great America and Gurnee Mills Mall.



KeyLime Cove Resort Waterpark
1700 Nations Dr, Gurnee, IL 60031, США

KeyLime Cove Resort Waterpark


Проверить время в пути и расстояния между вашей гостиницы и вашим любимым местом.

Топ-10 достопримечательностей


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  • Интернет-услуги
  • Транспорт
    Бесплатная парковка
  • Безвозмездная перевозка
  • На территории отеля
  • Открытая парковка
  • Парковка
  • Стоянка для машин
  • Стоянка для трейлеров
  • Охраняемая парковка
  • Доступ Поезд
  • Транспортные услуги - локальная
  • Транспортные услуги - местное отделение
  • стойка регистрации
    24-часовая приемная
  • Сотрудники Белл / портье
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    Бизнес центр
  • Телефонные услуги
  • Фотокопия центр
  • Генеральная
  • Подключение номера
  • Прямая телефонная линия
  • Подогрев номера
  • Интерьер коридоров
  • Номера для некурящих
  • Личное ванна или душ
  • Общественный площадь кондиционером
  • Лестничные
  • Услуги в отеле
    24-часовая охрана
  • Дополнительные услуги / удобства / услуги по недвижимости
  • Банкомат / Банкомат
  • Сухая чистка
  • Пожарная безопасность соответствует
  • Полное уборка
  • Фен
  • Уборка номера ежедневно
  • Гладильная доска
  • Услуги прачечной / Услуги
  • Медицинские услуги
  • Громкая
  • Безопасность
  • Услуги уборки
  • Служба пробуждения
  • Магазины
    Подарок / Газетный киоск
  • Супермаркет
  • Разный / магазин
  • Торговые автоматы
  • Путешествия с другими
    Дети приветствуют
  • Доступ рампы
  • доступной
    Доступ объекты
  • Номера для инвалидов
  • Brailed лифты
  • Лифты
  • Колесо доступ стул
  • Мероприятия
  • Банкетов
  • Автобусная стоянка
  • Услуги общественного питания
  • Конференц-залы
  • Выставка / конвенция этаж
  • Личное столовая для групп


  • связь
    Звонки Бесплатный доступ в кредитных карт
  • Бесплатный интернет
  • Бесплатный бесплатные номера
  • Беспроводное подключение к интернету
  • Wi-Fi
  • Постельные принадлежности
  • Двуспальные кровати
  • Односпальная кровать
  • Особые возможности
  • Еда и напитки
    Кофеварка / Чайник
  • Развлекательная программа
    Кабельное телевидение
  • Бизнес
  • Генеральная
  • Пожарная тревога
  • Железо
  • Не курить
  • Детекторы дыма
  • Услуга пробуждения по телефону
  • доступной
    Для гостей
  • Номер для инвалидов
  • Противопожарная сигнализация со светом


  • Бассейн
    Внутренний бассейн
  • Пул
  • Велнес
  • Массажные услуги
  • Сауна
  • Спа
  • спорт
    Спорт суд на месте
  • культурный
    Детская программа
  • Игры / фильмы
    Игровая комната

Еда и напитки

  • План Питания
    Завтрак подается в ресторане
  • Шведский стол
  • Континентальный завтрак
  • Полный американский завтрак
  • Горячий завтрак
  • Горячая континентальный завтрак
  • Особое внимание
    Бесплатный кофе в лобби
  • Бесплатный кофе в номере или чай
  • Лобби кофейный сервиз
  • Сервисы
    Обслуживание номеров
  • Кухонное оборудование
  • Выходы типа
  • Кофейный магазин
  • Бары / бары


  • Шведский стол
  • Континентальный завтрак
  • Полный американский завтрак
  • Завтрак подается в ресторане
  • Горячая континентальный завтрак
  • Горячий завтрак

Политика Дом

  • Заезд: 16:00
  • Отъезд: 11:00

Отмена политики
Все отказы, которые сделаны за 72 часа до даты заезда взимается плата за аннулирование в размере 35 долларов США. При аннуляции в течение 72 часов с момента прибытия будет лишаться первой ночи в качестве депозита. Могут быть сделаны исключения - см правила ставок.

Путешествие с другими

Политика Дети
Дети в возрасте до 2 лет проживают бесплатно в сопровождении взрослого.  Плата за дополнительного гостя USD 30 USD на человека в сутки

Размещение домашних животных не допускается

Язык общения

  • Английский

Добро пожаловать емкость

  • Количество конференц-залов: 2
  • Количество спальных комнат: 414
  • Самый большой размер конференц-зала: 5020 sq. ft.
  • Вместимость самого большого конференц-зала: 500


  • Автобусная стоянка
  • Бесплатная парковка
  • На территории отеля
  • Открытая парковка
  • Парковка
  • Стоянка для машин
  • Стоянка для трейлеров
  • Охраняемая парковка


  • В. Если на персонаже
  • Мольберты или таблетки
  • Высокоскоростной доступ в Интернет
  • Микрофон
  • Подиум
  • Проектор и экран
  • Видеокамера
  • Доски
  • Общественное питание
  • Экран
  • Доска объявлений
  • Флипчарт и маркеры
  • ЖК-проектор
  • Накладные расходы
  • Проектор
  • Охранники
  • Видео-конференция
  • Макс вместимость
  • Телеконференций
  • Кодоскоп

Полезности отзывы 8 186 отзывов

Marguerite Krueger
6 лет назад – Google


Way overpriced and dirty

Michael Anfang
6 лет назад – Google


I loved this place and it brings the best memories. But it's know longer there

Cat Lew
6 лет назад – Google


My family is going to miss the one in Gurnee. It was Great!

Andrew Leonard
6 лет назад – Google


i truley loved it i think it is the best better then twitchcon/minecon/and the cheesecake factory i would recommend that everyone geos and has a great time and did i tell you that there is food there omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really loved there food it was the bomb

Rg Martin
6 лет назад – Google


It's the best water park I went to and the best part of the trip and that tells you something because we went to the jelly belly jelly bean factory after that

Helen Friedli
6 лет назад – Google


Hey reader. There is the best waterpark at Key Lime Cove. Key lime Cove is the best. One reason is the fun arcade. When you get enough tickets you can use them to buy toys. Another reason is coloring. There are different types of coloring sheets. There are princess cartoons and other cool stuff. The best part is a pineapple that dumps out water.
I recommend for you is if you like water parks you’ll go to Key Lime Cove. I give 5/5⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

KhrisTIM Playz
7 лет назад – Google


It was the best resort I ever went to when I was young...but I'm sad it permanetly closed but it was the best memories I ever have....

Khadijat Ismaila
7 лет назад – Google


So great if I could I would live very polite and would suggest it to other people

alex boyer
7 лет назад – Google


Fun but no their closed I loved key lime cove I will miss the tropical theme

Clock 186
7 лет назад – Google


Great place to bring your family with in a weekend trip. Room was fabulous and the water parks and shops were amazing.

William Rose-IV
7 лет назад – Google


I had never been to this place before but I noticed it that great wolf lodge bought it and now key lime cove is getting renovated into great wolf lodge Illinois Goodbye key lime cove welcome great wolf lodge

Dan Rozdzialowski
7 лет назад – Google


We went there for a weekend and it was great. The food was good and not overpriced like some other resorts and they had many other activities to do besides the the water park. The water park itself was perfect for the kids, lots of things for them to do and lots of life guards around the whole area. Only negative is the water by the kids area was colder then the main area.

hillary deblois
7 лет назад – Google


Beautiful rooms, tons of fun for the kids, and staff couldn't be nicer. The kids swimming area was cold, and the water was colder. It's a good thing kids don't care! We still had a great time. Eating there can be pricey (think $20+ for two fries and pops), but you can't beat the smiles on the kids faces.

Paris Vaughn
7 лет назад – Google


Me and my family really enjoy this place. It's nice and colorful and not outdated like most indoor resorts. They have drinks for adults. Decent food and cute shops. Big water park area.Rooms are decent and clean. Unfortunately they had to cancel my April reservation this weekend due to renovations. The great wolf resort is taking over. Let's just say that outdated place has nothing on the more modern key lime cove. I hope the renovations are worth the trouble.

Rodel Trainz
7 лет назад – Google


Hotel itself is fine, and room service is great. Waterpark is honestly kind of small, the lazy river is not fast and filled with noisy people. Have fun trying to play basketball with your kid in the pool, because a lot of children like to hog balls. Finally, the wave pool isn't powerful enough to be fun. The arcade doesn't have any entertaining games for older audiences. (Understandable though, since this place *is* for children).

Cynthia Gines
7 лет назад – Google


Great place for kids!! I took a 2.5 year old and an 8 year old and they both enjoyed the water park, arcade and activities the resort had to offer. I wish the water park's water was a little warmer. My 2.5 year old got pretty cold at one point. The food here is just ok nothing too amazing but if you don't mind leaving the resort there are plenty of options. I would come here again.

Sara Harter
7 лет назад – Google


Excellent customer service from everyone we encountered (we had dinner at The Crazy Toucan and breakfast at the little bakery/ice cream shop). Lazy river and wave pool were amazing on my achy, pregnant body. The pillows and matress in our room were wonderful, as well. The arcade and mini golf were both fun. The whole resort was clean and well kept. One suggestion I have would be upgrading the complimentary toiletries. A 2-in-1 conditioner isn't super helpful after a day in the pool. There wasn't any bar soap either, so we used body wash for hand soap, which was awkward, but not necessarily bad. I was impressed that the toiletries were labeled as not being tested on animals, which is something I keep in mind when deciding which products to use. Thank you for a very comfortable stay.

Myron T. Miller
7 лет назад – Google


Located near freeways, many restaurants and an outlet mall. It has a ton of things to do for the entire family. The one drawback is their main restaurant within the resort doesn't open early, however there's enough places outside within a mile or two to please anyone. Customer service was pretty good throughout the resort. Everyone is helpful and seen to really enjoy working for the resort.

Nick Curtis
7 лет назад – Google


Location is conveniently located off the highway. Room layout was poorly laid out. Our room was sectioned off by a sliding door between living room and bedroom. The bedroom should have been on the back half of the room because to use the bathroom you would have to walk through the bedroom. The mini fridge wasn't in the living room. I guess it made more sense to install it into he bedroom dresser? For a place designed for kids the room was not designed with functionality in mind. Services are expensive to say the least. Everything for a family of 4 was roughly another $40 on top of the original fee. Through the eyes of a child though it was blast.

Michelle Sloan
7 лет назад – Google


The bad: The water park area was smaller than I had anticipated and tube for the lazy river were not readily available. Drink prices were insanity. When wet, the elevator floor was VERY slippery. The good: the accommodations were quite nice. The suite was large and comfy with good ammenities. The staff was friendly and helpful. We ate at 3 of the restaurants and every one was great and the food was good.

Dan Renz
7 лет назад – Google


A children's paradise.

First, let me begin that this place is for the kids, and it is awesome for the kids. They have the water park, with stuff for kids of all ages, crafts, shows, an arcade that is huge, and numerous other fun things. The water park is top notch. My kids loved it, loved it.

The rooms are ok. The walls are thin and everything is very noisy. We were only in the to sleep, so whatever. Everyone here was very nice and helpful, so that was great.

Overall, kids will have a blast, just be prepared to essentially fight someone for an inner tube.

Darrell Parrish
7 лет назад – Google


From the time we walked in to the time we walked out we felt very welcome. The staff was great and very helpful. Room was in fine shape and was about par to any other water park. The water park itself was also great. Lifeguards all over which was good to see and all looked to be very well trained. In the water park the only place to get food or drinks was closed. I found this to be a pain to have to go out of the park to get anything for the family. Also the floor was being re-done as you walked in and it was nice to see that they try to keep up with repairs. The food was fine from the place we ate at. It's not a big name restaurant so as long as you don't go expecting something like that you will be very happy. The locker room was clean. Again my biggest gripe is the staffing at the shops and food area.

Kenneth Holland
8 лет назад – Google


It was my first time visiting. The wait to get checked in was abnormally long, but I factored that to the Holiday. The water park is a paradise for children, the parents will have fun because of this.

They make sure there are activities for the kids outside of the park too. Magic shows, arts and crafts coloring, cookie crafts was my favorite.

This is a great place for a family getaway.

Cevera Samad
8 лет назад – Google


The hotel was good. The staff was very nice, pleasant and helpful. The room was clean. Beds were okay, not the greatest but we were just there to sleep. We spent most of the time at the water park. The park itself was fun. I wish the wave pool was larger and they had a better organization to the tubes for the lazy river, waiting for a tube took forever. Overall we had fun, glad we only stayed for a day and a half. Anything longer would have been too much.

Jinx Scott
8 лет назад – Google


We went for my daughter's 9th birthday and she and her friends had a blast! There were lots of fun activities for the girls to do throughout the day and they especially loved the balloon animals.
The staff was very friendly and helpful! We needed an extra cups and coffee and they have us more than enough! We were pleasantly surprised at the quick response to any requests we had, too!

Matthew Mueller
8 лет назад – Google


We have spent the night here on several occasions without much to rave about. Comfortable, and average would be how I'd normally describe it. This last stay however it seemed the staff went above and beyond to make it a wonderful time. The water park wasn't too crowded, the dinner at the bar/restaurant was spectacular too which was a pleasant surprise. All in all a great weekend. The bell man Jason was particularly helpful on our check out day as well, storing our luggage while we spent the remainder of the day in the park. Again, a wonderful visit!

Tatiana Phillips
8 лет назад – Google


My family often frequents Key Lime Cove for a quick get away... During our last visit, back at the end of October, we were pleased to see the new attractions offered since the last time we had visited. The highlight of our trip had to be Dennis Christie the magician. He was AMAZING! At the end of his show, he performed a magic trick just for me and my daughter! What a way to make us feel special! We hope he will be there next time we visit!

Karen Choe
8 лет назад – Google


My family had a wonderful time here last weekend. We checked in Thursday afternoon to celebrate my son's 7th birthday. The facility was very clean and everyone was really nice. This place looks like it is managed strictly because lifeguards really looked like they were watching very carefully to make sure everyone was safe and everywhere was clean. It was a school day so the place was very empty but we had a wonderful time. There were more staffs than guests. Will definitely go back. Thank

Asten Rathbun
8 лет назад – Google


This was our first visit to one of these indoor waterparks. It was better than I had expected, but pricey. Food and drink were probably about 1.5-2x as much as you'd find on the street. Pools and water features seemed well done, safe, and had a bunch of lifeguards everywhere.

Wasn't super exciting for our toddler, but there is even a toddler play area.

Rooms were nice but nothing special.

Overall, a nice occasional splurge.

Matthew Misiura
8 лет назад – Google


Two room sweet was nice, but needed some repair. The lack of kids channels on TV was surprising. The water park was much smaller than I thought it would be, but we still had fun. First day in the park, the air temperature and water were cool. My two year old was shivering after a couple hours. The second day the air temperature was better, but the water temperature was still cooler than I would have liked. Outside of the park, be prepared to pay. Dinner for two adults and two children was almost $90 with tip. That did include two drinks. A bottle of soda is $2.50. Luckily there are plenty of dining options within a five minute drive. We met the resort for breakfast and lunch the next day. We will probably go back, but we will definitely check out other options.

Sweta Lee
8 лет назад – Google


This was our second trip. Where should I began

1st trip we were bugged by the house keeping team to empty the room so they can clean. Very annoying when you are vacation and trying to sleep.

2nd trip was better I notified front desk that if I get bugged again I'll not come here again.

Overall, it's a good place for kids. They have fun sometimes a bit more crowded than I'd prefer, but ok overall.

Norman Trapp
8 лет назад – Google


Nice for families, but be aware of the spendings inside. Food, games and souvenirs are priced as if you were at the fair. Surely a second revenue leg in key lime. Place appears safe with lots of lifeguards. Wouldn't go for more than a night as the thrills wear out fast.

Sanjay Sheth
8 лет назад – Google


Check in took a bit longer than expected. Rooms were decent. Water park was nice but fairly compact. We didn't go on a "peak" day but I could see it getting crowded easily.

Enrique Guzman
8 лет назад – Google


Overall a great place for children, not much to do of you're an adult. Waterpark area is a lot smaller than I expected it to be, can get very crowded. Staff are all really nice and helpful.

Eric Gross
8 лет назад – Google


Nice rooms, Waterpark is best suited for ages 4 to 16. There is some attraction for adults but is limited. Arcade has a large variety of games for all skill levels. Additional free activities for kids done every hour for most of the day. Restaurants are ok but nothing really special.

Daniel Guerrero
9 лет назад – Google


From making reservations on the phone to actually being at the resort, the experience has been great. I would highly recommended KLC to anyone for an awesome little get away. Food, drinks, snacks, services and arcades are a bit pricey but it's really set up so you don't have to leave. They have plenty of activities that cater to younger kids, like arts and crafts. My wife got a message and felt very comfortable with the staff. Anytime we called the front desk for anything they were on top of it. We will definitely be returning soon.

Joyce So
9 лет назад – Google


The indoor Waterpark was fun. My toddler had so much fun playing. The only complain I have is the cleanliness of the Waterpark. There was so many dirty tables (at least empty 30 tables) that were not cleaned by the housekeeping staff. The tables had dirty empty plates, empty cups, food, etc. It was hard for my family to find an available seating area that was clean. Same goes with the arcade area.