 3 858 отзывов

Sheraton Roma Hotel and Conference Center

Viale Del Pattinaggio, 100, 00144 Рим, Италия доступа

Sheraton Roma Hotel and Conference Center

Расположенный в районе Евро, мы предлагаем все, что вам нужно, в одном удобном месте. Наша торговая галерея предоставляет стойку проката автомобилей, сувениры и газетный киоск. Услуга автобуса (за плату) работает до международного аэропорта Фиумичино (FCO), а также в центре города: требуется предварительное бронирование. Наша стойка регистрации может помочь вам забронировать достопримечательности Рима и его основные достопримечательности, такие как Ватиканский город и Колизей и другие направления, такие как Неаполь и Помпеи. В нашем прекрасном открытом бассейне открытый бассейн с открытым бассейном с открытым бассейном с вкусными закусками и освежающими напитками в течение дня. Доступ в пул является бесплатным. За плату в 7 евро, гость может зарезервировать и использовать солнечные лучи и зонтик на целый день. Полностью оборудованный фитнес -центр Sheraton и два корта сквоша также доступны. Один из лучших велосипедных дорожек Италии проходит в 14 километрах к историческим Прати, к северу от Ватикана. Клубные комнаты и гости в Suite имеют особый доступ к лаунджу Sheraton Club.

The Sheraton Roma Hotel & Conference Center is conveniently located between the historical city center and Fiumicino/Leonardo Da Vinci International Airport. Both the city center and the airport are approximately 20 minutes away by car.EURs unique 20th-century architecture is easily explored on foot, encouraging guests to discover the locales modernist interpretation of Romes ancient buildings. For those wishing to walk the streets of the historic center, the proximity of the Metro makes it easy to discover the sights, shopping, and restaurants of the Eternal City. Alternatively, guests are invited to use the hotels shuttle bus that makes regular trips into the city center (for a fee).



Sheraton Roma Hotel and Conference Center
Viale Del Pattinaggio, 100, 00144 Рим, Италия


  • интернет
    Бесплатный Интернет
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  • Wi-Fi
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    Бизнес центр
  • Бизнес-услуги
  • Генеральная
    Прямая телефонная линия
  • Номера для некурящих
  • Общественный площадь кондиционером
  • Услуги в отеле
    Посадочный талон печати из имеющихся
  • Сухая чистка
  • Бесплатный газеты в вестибюле
  • Полное уборка
  • Фен
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  • Услуги прачечной / Услуги
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  • Услуги уборки
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  • Магазины
    Подарок / Газетный киоск
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  • Торговые автоматы
  • Путешествия с другими
    Программы по уходу за детьми
  • Домашние животные разрешены
  • доступной
    Доступ объекты
  • Доступная парковка
  • Лифты
  • Мероприятия
  • Свадебные услуги


  • связь
    Бесплатный интернет
  • Высокоскоростной интернет
  • Доступ в Интернет
  • Беспроводное подключение к интернету
  • Постельные принадлежности
  • Еда и напитки
  • Развлекательная программа
    Кабельное телевидение
  • Платные фильмы по телевизору
  • Спутниковое телевидение
  • ТВ
  • Видео по запросу
  • Генеральная
  • доступной
    Поручни в ванной комнате


  • Бассейн
    Открытый бассейн
  • Пул
  • Велнес
    Клуб здоровья
  • фитнес
    Гимнастический зал
  • Фитнес-центр на месте
  • спорт
    Беговая дорожка
  • Сквоша
  • культурный
    Детская программа

Еда и напитки

  • План Питания
    Шведский стол
  • Континентальный завтрак
  • Горячий завтрак
  • Сервисы
    24-часовое обслуживание номеров
  • Исполнительный этаж
  • Обслуживание номеров
  • Обслуживание номеров - Полное меню
  • Кухонное оборудование
  • Выходы типа
    Коктейль-бар с развлечениями
  • Коктейль-бар с легкими закусками
  • Продукты питания и напитки точек
  • Бары / бары
  • Ресторан


  • Континентальный завтрак
  • Шведский стол
  • Горячий завтрак

Политика Дом

  • Заезд: 15:00
  • Отъезд: 12:00

Отмена политики
Отмены политики будет варьироваться в зависимости от тарифного плана и / или дату (ы) бронирования. Пожалуйста, см Оценить и политической информации "при проверке наличия мест."

Путешествие с другими

Политика Дети
Дети, которые до 12 лет сон бесплатно в существующих кроватях комнаты общего с взрослого, оплачивающего для. Rollaways, ребенок Rollaways и детские кроватки могут понести дополнительные расходы.

Размещение домашних животных допускается по запросу.
Собаки в возрасте до 40 фунтов допускается. Для собак, превышающих этот вес, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с администрацией отеля напрямую. Никакие другие домашние животные не допускаются.

Способ оплаты


Знание иностранных языков

  • Английский
  • Итальянский

Добро пожаловать емкость

  • Количество конференц-залов: 39
  • Количество спальных комнат: 640
  • Самый большой размер конференц-зала: 14208 sq. ft.
  • Вместимость самого большого конференц-зала: 2000


  • Доступная парковка
  • Мотоцикл парковка
  • На территории отеля
  • Парковка


  • Компьютер
  • Полное бизнес-центр
  • Плата взимается за первой странице исходящих факсов
  • На территории бизнес-центра
  • Конференц-залы
  • Голосовая почта
  • Факс
  • Принтер
  • Подключение Ethernet
  • Бизнес центр
  • Телефон

Окружающая среда

Зеленый Недвижимость с Действие

Мы стремимся, чтобы уменьшить потребление энергии на каждый номер гостиницы. Мы реализуем методы сокращения воды, которые не влияют на опыт гостя. Мы выступаем за справедливую торговую практику. Мы также увеличить закупки продуктов питания и напитков, выращенных и местного производства и минимизировать закупки overharvested или находящихся под угрозой исчезновения видов растений и животных.

  •  Сохранение культурного наследия
  •  Меры энергетики / экономии воды, предотвращение отходов и эффективность использования ресурсов

Полезности отзывы 8 58 отзывов

Dominique Vocat
4 года назад – Google


Located in the middle between the airport and the city center 30 minutes in each direction. Convenient shuttle service to the historic center. Rooms are good and not too expensive. Breakfast buffet is good but not exciting. The restaurant is decent but most likely one should just go downtown for a much less expensive and most likely better meal.

Judi Anderson
5 лет назад – Google


Stay and room was fine. Just wish it was closer to sites. They do offer to get you transportation. Taxi was cheapest and ours was happy to drive us around and talk about sites.

Iveta Kopankina
5 лет назад – Google


Sheraton is a four star hotel, but the personnel can be rated as five-star. They were very helpful, cooked me spaghetti Bolognese that was not on the menu exactly the way I cook it at home. They also let me check out late after I finished work. They compensated this way for all the bad things my bosses did and I am very grateful to them.

5 лет назад – Google


The hotel is located in a quiet wooded area on its own property. There is a small district with a train station and bus stops about 1/2 mile from the hotel. There are also shops, bars and restaurants in the area. There are also two bus routes that stops directly in front of the hotel. The hotel offers paid daily scheduled service a few trips a day to the city.

The hotel has a T floor plan and is very large. The rooms are large with a full bathroom and tub.

The Internet speed was good but kept shutting down after 24 hours. Then there was a problem to find the login page.

. The check in and check out was very good. The hotel has a Concierge who was always helpful.

The hotel is children friendly.

The morning buffet was very good and the service was very good,

Liz U
6 лет назад – Google


Pretty interior & pool. Surcharge for absolutely everything. Must walk on freeway or busy roadways to get anywhere on foot. Only 1hr of WiFi/day included. €10/person/day for a chair at the pool. €10/person each direction for a shuttle. Pets allowed but not in lobby, restaurant, poolside, any public area, nor alone in room. Restaurant overpriced. Exercise facility is well equipped (& without fee).

Heather Turner
6 лет назад – Google


I was at this hotel in March 2018 and let me say I had really good experience with this hotel! My room was always clean and the staff was very friendly of course yes if you take the shuttle you have to understand it’s Rome Italy the bus can’t always make it in time to pick you up and take you back to the hotel they get stuck in traffic too! ;) mostly during tourist season...because I seen someone was complaining about it but you spent out way more on a cab then a bus haha wow you should just had waited few more minutes or so! I just don’t understand why people had some bad comments about this hotel I enjoy my stay and looking for to book again at this hotel! :)

yinlan zha ng
6 лет назад – Google


Super nice staff. Comfortable rooms. Very quiet and peaceful. Wonderful pool. But location is not great. You can't really walk anywhere, including shops that are located nearby because it's essentially on an island surrounded by highways dangerous for pedestrians.

Andrew Salonin
6 лет назад – Google


The club floor is lovely with a nice view. The room is comfortable and has the usual amenities. The club lounge is a very nice perk of the club floor with nice snacks and beverages of different types throught most of the day. The roof top terrace is a lovely space with great view but it is severely showing its age and in desperate need of a facelift. The pool area is quite relaxing and fun on a hot day and while the prices at the bar are not cheap they are average for a hotel. The cost for a lounge chair should be looked at as a perk for the club floor patrons especially given the hotels need to be updated.

Fabrizio Morelli
6 лет назад – Google


We visited the swimming pool as this hotel offers the facility also to non hotel guests. With its 35 Euros per person price tag during the weekend is actually a pretty good deal. The swimming pool is nice and big, the pool-side restaurant is normally expensive (as all hotel restaurants) but the menu is refreshing and the personnel is nice and amicable. All in all we spent a nice and relaxing day. Two comments on which service can be improved. 1) a small bottle of water at 3,5 Euros is outrageous and 2) in the second half of the afternoon the changing rooms and the bathrooms were actually pretty messed up and dirty. You wouldn't expect that in a Sheraton

Gringo Gringo
6 лет назад – Google


Sono stato per un evento lavorativo. Le sale utilizzate erano molto belle, il servizio davvero impeccabile. Ho apprezzato il fine serata a bordo piscina con cibo e bevande

sarabu sriharsha
6 лет назад – Google


Best place to stay in Italy. Wow what a big gym these guys got. Great outdoor eating. Food is awesome

Benjamin Friedmann-Bernier
6 лет назад – Google


Overall this Sheraton is pretty good. It's clean, the service is good, the pool area is really pleasant and relaxing. We definitely enjoyed our stay and I would recommend it if you're looking to relax outside of the busy downtown core.

Matteo Mori
6 лет назад – Google


Guest al during a evening event nearby the pool. The area is nice , with lots of vegetation, and service is living up to expectations. There's a parking for guests but unfortunately it's not free.

Maris Valencia
6 лет назад – Google


Friendly and accommodating staff. The hotel room's nice and clean although a tad small, had to contend in turning the heat all the way down as it cannot be turned off.... didn't want to look like a prune in the morning.

candelaria cervantes-sutherland
6 лет назад – Google


For the price I would have expected more. The rooms were not clean (found a lot of dust bunnies and hair). The pillows we're very flat. Coffee is not 24/7 (only instacoffe in room). The staff us very nice and helpful and the shuttle was great. We ended up using it only one way and taking a cab back (pickup schedule isn't as convenient). The metro is about a 5 min walk. If you can stay somewhere nicer and closer to the city for the cost, but in a pinch this is great! The staff does try😃

Ola Osman
6 лет назад – Google


It didn't meet my expectations, decent and neutral service. Room was averge .. breakfast is good but most of breakfast items are not labled. For example"pork". I mean this is essential if you are accommodating people from everywhere around the world. There was no induction during check in .. no slippers in the room nor washroom.

It was still acceptable and nice visit but not as I would expect from a Sheraton hotel.

John Williams
6 лет назад – Google


I was here with a conference for work. Very helpful and friendly staff, a nice restaurant for the evening if a tad expensive on the beer. Breakfast selection was huge! Cereals, meats, small cooked selection, fruits, tatted and pastries. (breakfast donut anyone?) rooms were a little dated but clean and warm. There were no drinks facilities in the room. The pool was unavailable for me but looked large and clean. There was a small but functional gym on level -1 with running, eleptical and cycling machines as well as a full set of free weights and press equipment. Overall I'd highly recommend and would return. 🙂

Phil Brimblecombe
6 лет назад – Google


Not the most modern decor but nicely done, clean. Friendly staff. Good size rooms. Food good

Mario Beyer
6 лет назад – Google


Just a normal Sheraton conference center. It is outside the city of Rome but at the end it turned out that it was perfectly located - between Rome city center and Ostia Antica. For a weekend it is very ok. The rooms are quite old and need a refurbishment. You can walk to local train station of "EUR Magliana" for about 15 min when leaving the hotel at the south side. I would not recommend to walk this way at the hours of darkness.

Mark Looney
7 лет назад – Google


For the money, this property offers a very strong value. I have stayed here two different times & the only thing that I don’t like about the property is that the shower water pressure is very low, which means that showers take a while & are not very soothing. The walk to the metro is a bit perilous, with not much room between you & fast moving cars. Please be careful when making this walk! Hotel has great taxi service and a one-way Farr to the ruins is normally 10-12 Euros. For the price, this place was very good for me! Nice pool, good restaurant & friendly staff. Service is definitely beyond the price!

Abhishek Agrawal
7 лет назад – Google


My roon heating unit had problem they keep fixing it without offer for change of room. Water clogged in Bathroom. Other 10 times cheaper hotels were better than this one.

Henos Chreia
7 лет назад – Google


Very noisy place. You can hear all conversations on a corridor. My room had common wall with a laundry. Washmashine running at the midnight ..... Due to doors between the rooms you can hear a couple making sex next room. The crew us nit very helpful. It's also a conference center si you can meet real crowds of people and have real problem to find a table for breakfast. 2 stars as the room was good equipped and WiFu with good quality. Metro station 5 minutes walk from there

Lenka Vacvalová
7 лет назад – Google


I don' t like location of this hotel. It' s far from airport and far to the Rome city center. Lobby od the hotel is nice, but rooms are really old and I din't feel good here. Positive is good and big breakfast and nice pool. But I think, in Rome is much better hotels in city center.

Philip Morgan
7 лет назад – Google


Remember that Sheraton you went to when you were a kid with your parents? It's here! And good news, they haven't updated a thing since then. (Service team was very helpful so they get a bonus star for that. But, please, don't try to eat there... or sleep there... or swim there.)

Raoul Hira
7 лет назад – Google


Nice SPG property, a little far from the city center. Connectivity via metro is only good if you are coming to the hotel, not while leaving. Hotel also charges for using shuttle service. Amazing pool and good gym

Valerie Rebello
7 лет назад – Google


Amazing hotel, worth every penny spent. Rooms were so comfortable and well maintained. Staff were friendly except for the receptionist, she wasn't all that friendly unfortunately. On the plus side they offered us a great deal on breakfast so we enjoyed a delicious buffet every morning. Would surely stay there again if I visit. Only thing is, it might be a better idea to get a bus to the station rather than walk on the route they provide to the station. Good taxi service from the hotel as well. Very happy.

Andy Huang
7 лет назад – Google


Fantastic staff, not so ideal location for doing things in the surrounding area, rooms seem outdated, but well mentained.

Michael Howard-Johnston
7 лет назад – Google


Granted it was relatively cheap at €109 but the whole place is just so run down. Rooms in desperate need of full refurbishment. On the positive side at least the bed was very comfortable.

Stefan Grew
7 лет назад – Google


Rooms are comfortable and well maintained. Staff are helpful. Prices are very reasonable. Breakfast options are very good.

Aidan Hildred
7 лет назад – Google


Spent a day by the pool relaxing, cost us $20 Euro each for a reserved sun bed and towel. Bar had a decent variety and prices were ok but not great. Had pizza for lunch from the pool side restaurant which was nice. Made for a nice change of pace on our euro trip.

Joe Troughton
7 лет назад – Google


Excellent facilities and very helpful staff, however the food selections provided for the conference were not as good as one might have hoped

Roman Kušnírik
7 лет назад – Google


Good. Average for its Star rating. Restaurant there failed multiple time for us. Wrong meals served. Poor salad. Burnt steak. Solved when you raise complaint.

Poppy H
7 лет назад – Google


Lovely hotel and really helpful staff.. pool is lovely and not too crowded so great to just chill for the day. Food is lovely also. Only downside is I didn't realise how far out the centre the hotel is and so have to get the hotel shuttle bus which is 10€ a day. Otherwise lovely place

olivier a
7 лет назад – Google


Excellent facilities for Business conferences. Nice and relaxing atmosphere around the pool after a busy day in Rome. Great breakfast. Comfortable rooms although a bit old fashioned.

Michael Tran
7 лет назад – Google


Nice hotel... ok location. A little out of the way to get to public transit to get into the center. But they do offer a shuttle.

john Callaway
7 лет назад – Google


Was here for a business trip. Property was exactly what I needed. Room was comfortable with nice view of the pool. Breakfast was good and restaurant and bar staff were exceptional

Kristopher Salmon
7 лет назад – Google


Wonderful Hotel. Made use of the shuttle service to downtown. Room was very clean. Nice pool. Great staff

Brandon Foster
7 лет назад – Google


Clean and comfortable. Nice and helpful staff. Rooms seemed a little small

David Flanders
7 лет назад – Google


Great for the conference but not central to the city. There is a metro station near the hotel to get to the city centre easily.

Michiel Debel
7 лет назад – Google


Outdated rooms, not very friendly staff. Hotel can be very busy, so be prepared to wait a long time at reception. Don't trust the wake up call, half of the time I didn't get one. Nice fitness room and pool

Annie Trang
7 лет назад – Google


Friendly, helpful, has a lot to offer. They check pin you twice a day to see if you need anything. Free water bottles. Shuttle takes you into the city and airport for 7 euros each way. Walking distance to the metro station (10 minutes).

Stefano Del Corno
7 лет назад – Google


An old glory still fighting the race. The hotel is pretty old and the rooms (at least mine) show the traces of the time... Overall a good structure, but a bad place. Nice and polished surface but if you scratch it you can see details revealing the age. Good dinner and fabulous breakfast.

7 лет назад – Google


Good for SPG member; it is a decent option in Rome to get points. Located outside of the centre but close to Eur and palazzo dei congressi

R. W.
7 лет назад – Google


Stayed here through the Starwood Resorts program. We brought family along. The room was clean. There appears to be an entire floor dedicated to Starwood members. The biggest qualm with us is that we must have a good sound isolation in order to get a good night's rest - and that's what we got at the Sheraton in Rome. We'd recommend to others. Front desk staff were nice and communicative. They spoke English. Breakfast was good as well.

Emanuel Barros
7 лет назад – Google


Good Breakfast and staff was very friendly. But it's strange that a 5 start hotel don't have room service during night. Only pre made sandwiches, not even a toast! Room's are getting very old.

J-M Erlendson
7 лет назад – Google


I was expecting something a lot more "European Style" - small rooms/bathrooms, old fixtures, poor amenities, but instead I got quite a nice hotel, large rooms with a delicious breakfast at a reasonable price! They offer convenient shuttles to-and-from downtown and the airport at a reasonable price, and are within 15 mins walk of the EUR downtown, which is full of nice shopping and restaurants. Biggest downside - it's 20-30 mins to get downtown, making each day trip a commitment, but I'd take the trade again in a heartbeat.

Alex Leicester
7 лет назад – Google


Expensive food and drink and staff a bit quick to clear plates etc, but overall a good place to stay

Channi Singh
7 лет назад – Google


I switched three rooms because the rooms smelled of horrible smoke. I told the hotel and they barely had any solutions other than ask me if I wanted to switch rooms again. Ridiculous. Hopefully they improve after seeing this.

Carl Edwards
8 лет назад – Google


Staff all friendly, helpful and professional. Great quality restaurant and bar. Club lounge is great.

Ashley Gardner
8 лет назад – Google


The rooms were nice, however the light system was very confusing. Check-in took forever. We were exhausted from traveling and it would have been nice if they had water out for their guests during the 30-45 minute check-in period. We were also peeved to learn that, contrary to what the website said, there were no laundry facilities. We had to do our laundry in the sink/bathtub. Finally, I ordered room service. The order came quickly, but the man might have been in a hurry because he burst in the minute I opened the door (no hello or anything), set the food down, shoved the receipt in my face to sign, then ripped the copy out of my hand and nearly missed the €2 I was holding in my hand for him. He could have been understaffed or having a bad day, but either way he came off very rude and I was put off by it.

Morten Pedersen
8 лет назад – Google


We visited the Hotel for its Pool facilities as our Hotel in the middle of rome didn't have any. The pool and poolbar is nice, and while not quite a bargain still affordable at 20 euro for outside guests. There is access to the most important facilities, however the free wi-fi weren't sufficiently strong to be reached at our sunbeds, and the lockers were fairly few so we had to keep all our stuff at the sunbeds. Despite this the hotel provided a nice day at the pool at an accessible price.
The location is a bit remote, but only 10 minutes walk from a metro station.

Peter Smith
8 лет назад – Google


When choosing this hotel the important thing was the pool and it was a good choice! The swimming pool is like none other in Rome: it is nice, relaxing, tropic and overall great! The hotel is a bit dark and oldfashioned, far from the center of Rome, breakfast not ideal but other than that food is pretty tasty! Service at the swimming pool was great, but other than that is average. Overall I would recommend it because of the fantastic pool and the fact that it is very close to the airport!

Avleen Vig
8 лет назад – Google


An ok hotel.
Getting into the city can be a little awkward. You either take the hotel shuttle for €10 for a round trip each, or you walk 15 minutes in to the metro stop and ride for 30 minutes.

I wouldn't say the location is inconvenient, but if you're with kids, if it's certainly less convenient than staying in the city centre.

On the plus side, the staff are very nice. The rooms are comfortable. The price is reasonable. And there is a really nice pool!

Agnes Hung
9 лет назад – Google


I have to say thank you to the staff, they do care the guest! Cuz I walk from subway along, I was standing on the high way and forgot how to walk back to hotel. At the time, I saw the shuttle it reminds me the way. After I back to hotel, the door man told me his colleague just called them that he saw me and want to drive back to pick me up!!!! How sweet he is, and he guess that I might be their guest. I'm glad that staff do care me. I'm so impressed.

Steve Kingfisher
9 лет назад – Google


The Sheraton Roma Hotel & Conference Center is located close to the EUR Magliana area of Rome. This is a 4 Star hotel with conference centre, leisure facilities and hotel rooms that meet the expectations of a 4 star hotel.

We arrived from Leonardo da Vinci International Airport by bus and the walk from EUR Magliana station was unpleasant-having to navigate major roads with very few footpaths with heavy luggage. We got a taxi on the way back to Rome Ciampino airport and that option was far more comfortable! We chose this hotel as part of a short break and having visited Rome previously the plan was to have a few days relaxing holiday making use of the hotel facilities and a few trips to Rome rather than spending most time in Rome city centre.

There is a hotel shuttle bus to Rome at discounted rates for hotel guests but this only runs till 22:00 so if you plan to spend most of your time in Rome book a hotel nearer the centre.

The check in was smooth and professional-the staff were slightly over-professional with a slight edge as can be the way with some 4 Star hotels-a warmer approach would have been welcome.

We were upgraded from a Classic Room to a Superior Room and while this was pleasant enough there was nothing too exciting.

The lobby area is smart as is the hotel bar. We used room service and enjoyed a lovely fresh fruit platter delivered quickly to the room. The outdoor swimming pool area was pleasant enough although slightly cool in September!

Would say that the room rate is slightly over-priced in view of the uninspiring room standard and lack of proximity to Rome.

However if you are attending a conference or event or a stop over before/after a flight then the hotel is a good option if you are looking for a 4 star property.

Michael Cain
10 лет назад – Google


The rooms are spacious and clean, and my wife and I had good service at the front desk and from the bar. A fabulous breakfast each morning at our leisure was included with our stay. We enjoyed walking the path the circles the perimeter of the property. We had to travel a few miles for the nearest market, and we were gouged for the cost of internet in our room-- we consider the grossly over-priced and restricted access to the internet a significant flaw in value of our stay.

Dana Corbett
11 лет назад – Google


The room was clean and the staff was exceptionally friendly. Unfortunately, the air conditioning didn't work. They did send a technician to fix it, but it didn't really help. They do not have regular pool hours and only open it if they think it's a nice day. So, if you're paying the extra money to make sure you have a hotel with a pool, then this is not the hotel for you. I do not recommend the restaurant. Although they do serve gluten-free food, it is very expensive and just doesn't taste good. There are many cafes to be found in the city that are 1/4 the price and 10 times the quality. The hotel advertises that you can receive a voucher for 5 euro off food and beverage if you don't get clean linens everyday, which we attempted to utilize only to find out the voucher can't be used. The hotel advertises free parking and they have it, for 15-20 cars. If you aren't lucky enough to find a free spot, you can always just pay for it. All in all, it wasn't a terrible experience. The hotel is adequate and the room was clean. I probably wouldn't stay with them again because it was a bit too pricey for what you really get,