 5 847条点评

Hilton Oakland Airport

One Hegenberger Road, Oakland, CA 94621, 美国 地理位置

Hilton Oakland Airport

希尔顿奥克兰机场酒店(Hilton Oakland Airport Hotel)位于12个修剪整齐的英亩土地上,提供类似度假胜地的环境,方便距离加利福尼亚州的奥克兰国际机场不到一英里,距巴特过境系统不到一英里。希尔顿奥克兰机场酒店(Hilton Oakland Airport Hotel)不仅仅是机场物业,无论您是商务旅行还是娱乐旅行:可用的免费班车服务:往返奥克兰国际机场 - 每天从4:00 AM -2:2:2: 00 AM,每20分钟运行一次。我们意识到宠物是家庭的一部分,这就是为什么我们是宠物友好的奥克兰酒店。我们提供一个加热的室外游泳池和健身中心,其中包括所有新的最先进的运动设备。在Amelia&Apos的咖啡馆里享用自助早餐,晚餐和饮料,同时在Earhart和Apos的小酒馆中观看电视转播的体育赛事,其中包括15台监视器以及10英尺长的屏幕。对于会议,我们提供超过15,000平方英尺的室内/室外空间,现场音频/视觉团队(PSAV),24小时商务中心,带有最先进的计算机和复印机。集团直接 - 预订少于25间客房或预订空间的理想选择,用于全天商务会议,团圆,婚礼或其他特别活动。我们提供会议激励措施,您将不想错过。如果您有一些时间浪费,那么希尔顿奥克兰机场酒店距离各种景点和目的地只有几分钟的路程。该酒店距离中央体育馆和著名的奥克兰竞技场只有两英里,距离杰克伦敦广场(Jack London Square)仅七英里,这是一个提供大量购物,餐饮和娱乐乐趣的滨水区。该物业距离旧金山市中心只有17英里,您会在那里找到渔夫的码头,诺布山,Coit Tower,著名的缆车和Ghirardelli Square,在奥克兰动物园的野外旅行,您会在那里找到过来的地方400种原生和外来动物。登上波托马克号号航空母舰

Nestled amid 12 acres of lush manicured grounds, the popular Hilton Oakland Airport is located 2 minutes outside the Oakland International Airport, San Francisco's East Bay Gateway to the Globe.



  • 互联网
  • 笔记本电脑在公共区域高速上网
  • 公共区域无线互联网连接
  • 大众运输
  • 店内停车场
  • 停车场
  • 安全停车场
  • 火车通道
  • 交通服务 - 当地
  • 交通服务 - 当地办事处
  • 前台
  • 行李搁置
  • 提前入住
  • 迅速办理入住
  • 迅速办理退房
  • 前台
  • 提供延迟退房
  • 离岗工作
  • 书桌配有电源插座
  • 影印中心
  • 一般
  • 暖气客房
  • 室内走廊
  • 禁烟客房
  • 私人浴缸或淋浴
  • 公共区域空调
  • 酒店服务
  • 取款机
  • 消防安全标准
  • 全方位家政服务
  • 吹风机
  • 家政服务 - 每天
  • 烫衣板
  • 洗衣/代客服务
  • 公共广播系统
  • 保险箱
  • 保安
  • 代客清洗
  • 唤醒服务
  • 餐厅商店
  • 杂货便利店
  • 与他人同行
  • 儿童游乐区
  • 可携带宠物
  • 游乐场
  • 无障碍
  • 电梯
  • 活动
  • 会议室
  • 环保设施


  • 游泳池
  • 室外游泳池
  • 游泳池
  • 泳池
  • 身心之畅
  • 按摩浴缸
  • 涡流按摩浴
  • 健身房
  • 健身房
  • 举重
  • 运动
  • 慢跑跑道
  • 壁球
  • 雪上运动
  • 网球场


  • 膳食计划
  • 自助早餐
  • 全套美式早餐
  • 特别关注
  • 免费客房内咖啡或茶
  • 大堂咖啡服务
  • 服务
  • 绿色食品
  • 厨房设备
  • 餐厅商店型态
  • 餐馆


  • 全套美式早餐
  • 餐厅供应早餐
  • 自助早餐


  • 入住时间: 15:00
  • 退房时间: 11:00

预订必须取消* 24小时*前抵达日期,以避免一晚房费和税费费用记点球个人计划可能会有所不同参见各个显示器的更多信息**提前退房收取50美元**



接受宠物。 MAX 75 LBS。要求不退还50.00宠物费。床和碗有限公司


  • 英语
  • 西班牙语


  • 会议室数量: 21
  • 客房数量: 360
  • 最大会议室面积: 5120 sq. ft.


  • 店内停车场
  • 停车场
  • 停车场
  • 安全停车场


  • 保安人员
  • 最大容纳人数




  •  在地当季食材
  •  参与当地社区


ISO 14001

ISO 14001是国际公认的标准,概述了如何建立有效的环境管理系统。它旨在帮助企业在不忽视环境责任的情况下保持商业上的成功,例如:•不断提高环境绩效•遵守本地和国家法规以及所订阅的其他要求•防止水,空气和地面污染危害•控制和优化水和能源消费•促进废物回收和恢复•提高员工之间的环境意识,并训练他们在活动中采用良好实践•使用生态标签的家政产品•使用可持续林业认证的纸张

ISO 50001

ISO 50001基于持续改进的管理系统模型,也用于其他众所周知的标准(例如ISO 9001或ISO 14001)。这使组织更容易将能源管理集成到他们改善质量和环境管理的整体努力中。 ISO 50001为组织提供了一个要求的框架: - 制定更有效利用能源的策略 - 修复目标和目标以满足政策 - 使用数据更好地理解和做出有关能源使用的决定 - 衡量结果 - 审查如何很好地了解该政策有效,并不断改善能源管理。

最有帮助点评 8 47条点评

Crissy B.
6年 前 – Google


The hotel and staff were very nice and made my stay comfortable.

Corey the hotel manager was very courteous.

The room I occupied was very clean.

I plan to come back very soon.

Thanks Hilton!

Rebecca Solomon
6年 前 – Google


I attended a 3 day professional event and was happy to find out that it was a local business, utilizing this Hotels meeting space. Although there's only one walking restaurant outside of the hotel restaurant, you're still close by tons of eating places and gas stations within a five minute drive. The outside space and meeting room was accessible and nice, and the staff were helpful and friendly. It was my first time attending Oakland for a business event and I'm glad I came.

Brian Stone
6年 前 – Google


Close to the airport. Free shuttle.

Free parking for customers.

One of the two Level 2 Electric Vehicle chargers is missing, leaving only one.

Welll appointed spacious rooms with refrigerators. Could use a microwave.

Very helpful staff.

Leo C. Jacobs
6年 前 – Google


Great food. We all ordered different meals. And we all were satisfied with the cooking styles and wellness of the meats. I had the steak and it was really great as far as cut and desired cooking stage. (Medium) it also stayed juicy and tender. I love steaks so this was Hiltons time to shine. It went well. Would do again!

Santiago Lopez
6年 前 – Google


The rooms look better in person. I've been here for about 8 hours and if you like less than standard customer service, this is the place for you. Took over 30 mins to get us from the airport (it's 5 mins away), took longer than normal to check in (at least acknowledging that you'll be with me in a minute would be nice) and then it took over an hour to get my order and my food (I get the bartender was busy, but once again, acknowledge the customer at the very least). I'm not ask for personal service, just basic customer service would do.

Stephen Emerson
6年 前 – Google


Good hotel, little old. Good sized gym but in a weird spot on a bridge. Causes the main equipment to not fit and they took out the support crossbar to make it fit.

Gilles Dodinet
6年 前 – Google


Forget about Hilton, just your standard, subpart airport hotel. On the plus side, room is pretty roomy and relatively clean (as clean as carpet can be...). On the downside, it is not insulated at all — there's a big gap between the door and the floor; you can hear your neighbors, etc. The room is also super bright at night.

Sam Kim
6年 前 – Google


Typical airport hotel but the service was great. Theresa and Gwen made sure everything going great. I appreciate the awesome service!

Jared Greenwald
6年 前 – Google


The hotel, as a whole, was pretty nice touch my room smelled strange. The staff was very courteous and the pool and fitness center were quite good. There was not much to do or eat within walking distance.

Gabriella K
6年 前 – Google


Okay area. Great if you need to be by the airport. Wonderful staff. The room was 76 degrees and climbing in building five was so hot. I kept turning the air down it would drop 3 degrees and then just go right by up and I had it set at 69 to see if it would become somewhat lower. The lowest it got was 74 and I like to sleep in the cold.

Melissa Haering
6年 前 – Google


Very clean rooms and nice staff. Rooms were a little pricey but not all together surprising for the area. Water pressure and shower head location are terrible.

Wayne Barnes
6年 前 – Google


It is an older hotel but love the rooms. They charge for parking. The also charge for the EV car charging. There are two types of restaurants on the property. One is a Tavern sports bar, called Earnhart's and the other is came Amelia's. This is a tribute to Amelia Earhart, the famous woman pilot who was lost at sea, presumably.

Shannon Kenney
6年 前 – Google


King size bed. Room comes with two towels, two hand towels and two face towels, Shampoo, conditioner, shower cap, soap, lotion and body wash, blow dryer Kleenex, small fridge and a large tv in the room. Received this for a reduced price of a little more than 200 dollars per night. Asked for late check out (2pm) due to a meeting nearby. Was assured that it was no problem. I received 2 knocks on the door starting at 10:30 from housekeeping asking if I was checking out. Then at 12:30 received a call from the front desk asking if I was checking out or not. After explaining the late check out request made yesterday, I was apologized to and all was well I Used the work out room, it was pleasant. Restaurant and pool was on the campus along with shuttes to city destinations.

Jess Poshepny Vallery
6年 前 – Google


We have stayed here many times. It’s clean and convenient. The reservations have been screwed up a few times but other than that it’s a good place to stay at near the airport.

Hellen Grubb
6年 前 – Google


If anyone is looking for great deals on hotels go to HotelRaven. com Booked a room on there and they had the best rates around...

Great place to spend the night before a flight. Parking for 14 days way cheaper than at the airport. Staff was friendly, had dinner at the restaurant with my young kids and it was nice. All in all a great way to start a vacation.

Dajon Jackson
6年 前 – Google


Felt right at home, room service was great. The lady at Registration was as nice as can be. To top it all off the beds were actually comfortable. I'll be staying there again.

Thomas Novelli
6年 前 – Google


Overall, the hotel is not horrible but not great either. Rooms are in need of an update (especially the bathrooms that do not look like they've been touched in years). The rooms and hallways also have a smell reminiscent of a nursing home. Common areas need a refresh although the main lobby looks like it was recently updated (and smells much better that the rest of the hotel). The bed was actually very comfortable. Unless there is a significant renovation in the near future, I will likely not return.

Chris Francis
6年 前 – Google


Great place to spend the night before a flight. Parking for 14 days way cheaper than at the airport. Staff was friendly, had dinner at the restaurant with my young kids and it was nice. All in all a great way to start a vacation.

Vilija Telycenas
6年 前 – Google


Place is nice. Be careful if you order from menu in room. Prices are higher at restaurant. Even if order from room, they say room menu will be honored. Happened to me twice. Spoke with manager both times, months later still don't see a credit.

Alex Kung
6年 前 – Google


There was plenty of parking. It was late so I didn't linger outside too long. It seems quiet enough. I caught some good Pokemon. Conveniently near the airport I guess. Short stay, so nothing bad to say.

Nick Webster
7年 前 – Google


I’m a Hilton Honors member and love the quality of most Hilton properties. SADLY the property does not meet the standards of a low end hotel much less a Hilton brand. The room was old, and outdated. The faucet it the bathroom was actually corroded through with a hole in the metal. The marble threshold to the bathroom was broken in two. My ground floor room had an unlocked window when I arrived. Got to love walking outside to get to the room. HILTON SELL THIS PROPERTY- It gives you a bad name!

Neil Amorao
7年 前 – Google


Went there for a Company x-mas party. Clean facilities, nicely decorated, all the staff and people were friendly & greeted me with a smile. The food served was very good. Always stocked. Servers kept the area clear & clean. They made sure to take my plate as soon as I was done. Great staff!

Minerva Del Castillo
7年 前 – Google


It's a nice hotel on the outside, the rooms are clean but the beds are nowhere near to queen size which is what I had booked for they were more closely sized to a full. Watch your bill at the bar especially when it's busy. The bartender tried to sell us 3 red bulls when we only needed one for our drinks. When we asked her to take to off she said she couldn't because it was already rung up. I had to ask her twice before she removed them from the bill. Overall an OK stay.

Daniel Rodriguez
7年 前 – Google


Really nice hotel, close to airport and stadiums. Shuttle service is quick and easy, runs every 20 minutes from the hotel. Make sure to stop by the bar area for some drinks and ask for Shams or Roxie, best service you will get for dinner and drinks

Alli Rose
7年 前 – Google


It's 7 min away from OAK airport. The rooms are spacious and clean. It's pretty quiet if there is no Raider game in town. The bed is comfy and the pillows are nice an med firm. The bathroom is a fine. The lighting is a little low for putting on makeup. The workout room is nice and well stocked for a hotel. Free weights, 2 adjustable benches, 3 or 4 treadmills and elipticals. They have weighted balls and excercise rubber balls. Yoga mats. You can tell I liked the workout room. Friendly staff with 4 work computers in the lobby to print out your boarding pass. Great for a quick overnight stay.

Roger Steves
7年 前 – Google


If anyone is looking for a great deal on hotels you can check it out on HotelRaven. com Booked a room on there and they had the best rates around...

Nice, clean room. Shower curtain holder was broken making the shower curtain to not stay closed. The plug in didn't have the face plate. When I used the iron, there was something stuck on the bottom of the iron that transferred into my slacks. The room was quiet though and clean. The breakfast buffet was excellent, especially the omelette made to order.

Steven Pereira
7年 前 – Google


I'm here often. The rooms are comfortable and clean. The service is always quite nice. My only issue is that the housekeeping staff seems too eager to get in to clean, even though they know when we are supposed to check out. One housekeeper saw me naked when she opened the door without knocking! The layout is odd...more like a college campus, but like I said, the rooms are nice and the service is usually great.

Shannon Kenney
7年 前 – Google


Nice, clean room. Shower curtain holder was broken making the shower curtain to not stay closed. The plug in didn't have the face plate. When I used the iron, there was something stuck on the bottom of the iron that transferred into my slacks. The room was quiet though and clean. The breakfast buffet was excellent, especially the omelette made to order.

Frank Fanara
7年 前 – Google


Arrived to Hilton for a conference and was immediately impressed with the cleanliness of the facilities and the friendly staff. The rooms confrence rooms were laid out well with more than adequate space and amenities. Lunch was prepared by on site personal and was far and away better than anyone of us had anticipated. Great venue!!

William Cook
7年 前 – Google


Busy professional hotel. Clean spacious rooms. Comfortable quiet place to stay. Restaurant at night needs better menu choices. Good breakfast buffet and personnel.

Stephen Dickey
7年 前 – Google


This is an older Hilton property, they have remodeled the rooms and I've done a very nice job. The beds are decent but I was very disappointed with the air conditioning system. Apparently, when you leave the room it turns off. I called when I got back from dinner and they sent maintenance upstairs to perform the override. Even with the override, it took nearly three hours for the room to cool down, and this wasn't even in mid-summer. Disappointed that they didn't factor in new air conditioning systems with their room remodel.

Benjamin Chapman
7年 前 – Google


When I showed up they upgraded me, which was awesome! First night there was a mouse in my room. The hotel was great at moving me rooms but not what I expected from Hilton brand. Room looks nice but bathrooms are outdated. Still waiting for a manager to contact me.

Update:. Staff has been great. Offered Honors points for the inconvenience. They have been in constant contact to make sure I am satisfied with my stay.

Rick Yorgey
7年 前 – Google


Less than 10 minutes from the airport on hotel shuttle! Heated outdoor pool was very relaxing after a long hard day! Nice, clean, comfortable rooms. Attentive service and good restaurant recommendations (although "Quinn's" was pronounced "Queenies" which led to a bit of difficulty finding it on the web).

Carol Worster
7年 前 – Google


I've been working at the Oakland airport temporarily, so this has been my home away from home. I take the shuttle bus every day both ways - the drivers are always so nice! There is a refrigerator in the room, but no microwave. Really comfortable bed.

Jessica Mildwurm
7年 前 – Google


This looked like a lovely hotel. It is in a gated area and the ladies in the front were very nice. Although I did not stay here, I would certainly consider it.

Gerhardine Vincenty
7年 前 – Google


If anyone is looking for a great deal on hotels you can check it out on HotelRaven. com Booked a room on there and they had the best rates around...

The hotel itself is nice. Modern rooms, lots of outlets. The bathrooms could use an upgrade and are a bit small but the water pressure is good. The lower review is for the staff at the bar. The bartender that helped us Saturday afternoon was incredibly rude. There was a slight misunderstanding with our bill and it was all downhill from there. I won't rant on and on about it (unless hotel mgmnt wants to reach out for details) but I definitely left the bar wondering how that bartender still has a job. Check in and out were smooth and fast. The rest of the staff was very friendly.

Derek Cook
7年 前 – Google


A comfortable bed for sure. Service and Patricia at the front desk in particular are great.
Unfortunately, the rest of the property is lacking for a full-service Hilton. I've stayed at HGI and Hampton locations much more up-to-date. The bathroom is cramped, with the door barely clearing the counter and toilet. I'm not sure if the shower tub/liner was yellowed from age or installed when that was fashionable. I appreciate Patricia's upgrading my room but was a little deflated when I saw the great DRIVEWAY access. The breakfast restaurant was pretty tired as well. I mentioned good service and appreciate the server taking my order for an omelette but was surprised the standard cook-to-order station was unmanned at 7. Overall, the location was not "bad" but left much to be desired - especially for my $200 corporate rate and even moreso if you're considering paying close to $400 as was quoted to my coworker.

Kellen Nishijima
7年 前 – Google


The hotel itself is nice - modern and spacious rooms. Bathrooms are a bit small but not a deal breaker. Personally had a very unpleasant experience at the restaurant with the bartender which is why the overall stay gets 3*.

KD Pooheart
7年 前 – Google


The hotel itself is nice. Modern rooms, lots of outlets. The bathrooms could use an upgrade and are a bit small but the water pressure is good. The lower review is for the staff at the bar. The bartender that helped us Saturday afternoon was incredibly rude. There was a slight misunderstanding with our bill and it was all downhill from there. I won't rant on and on about it (unless hotel mgmnt wants to reach out for details) but I definitely left the bar wondering how that bartender still has a job. Check in and out were smooth and fast. The rest of the staff was very friendly.

Richie Sarinas
7年 前 – Google


My visit at the HOA is always pleasant. It is usually meeting a friend who is registered at one of the rooms. The compound is big and spread out, making my curiosity to expore the place very irresistible. The staff is friendly and so are the many guests that I've met during my visits with many random friends. Some of the Oakland Raiders can be seen using the facility during the season, till their final move. The service is good although I would not pay the high price that the hotel charges . The parking is also expensive and a rip off when the time to leave the compound requires a visit to the pay booth. Four dollars an hour but my stay was under two hours. Which resulted to a payment of eight dollars. Other hotels in the surrounding vicinity allows guest visitor who are not registered

Cory Tator
7年 前 – Google


Great location to the airport was able to accommodate last minute changes for me in rooms. Clean, restaurant on site seemed nice , but didn't eat there. Only issue was waited 45 minutes for a shuttle to find there was a mix up, but free shuttle to airport & around is nice

Joseph Conklin
7年 前 – Google


Thin walls and late night party. Front desk took a little while to handle the party.....not soon enough if your catching a 0630 flight. Ask for the top floor if your staying here!

Caren Whitney
7年 前 – Google


Staff was very nice. I don't know if it was because of a close grass fire but the carpet in the hallway must have been sprayed with some sort of freshner which made me dizzy and headache. I felt better in a couple hours with some fresh air.

John weddell
7年 前 – Google


If anyone is looking for a great deal on hotels you can check it out on HotelRaven. com Booked a hotel on there and they had the cheapest rates around...

Room was clean. The bed was very comfortable. High grade feather pillows. Full size towels. Customer service was great. Continental breakfast had made to order omelette. Complementary WiFi. Union friendly hotel. Would recommend. Pool was closed temporarily due to it being renovated.

Brian Gerdwagen
7年 前 – Google


The bar and restaurant are nice. Campus is great. Some rooms are remodeled, and some are not. Great access to car rental return, fueling station, and an In-N-Out.

7年 前 – Google


The rooms were clean and the gym was well equipped. They have a nice restaurant too which served great breakfast, lunch and dinner selections. They also had a gift shop.

Rudy De Leon
7年 前 – Google


Would have given 5 stars because of an issue where I was left waiting over an hour to check in. All for a needed​ email that arrived shortly after I did and reservation attendants didn't follow up on, but they made good on it.

Lol, and waited 1/2 HR for a cork screw to be delivered to the room 😒. Other than that the the rooms are amazing, the beds are super comfy and I didn't want to leave. It was worth it all, I would gladly come back.

Shannon Kenney
7年 前 – Google


Room was clean. The bed was very comfortable. High grade feather pillows. Full size towels. Customer service was great. Continental breakfast had made to order omelette. Complementary WiFi. Union friendly hotel. Would recommend. Pool was closed temporarily due to it being renovated.

Marco Johnson
7年 前 – Google


The room and the fitness center have a old building odor. Everything else was great! Friendly staff, great breakfast and plenty of parking. I would definitely recommend just bring a air fresher.

Anthony Riles
7年 前 – Google


Clean and comfortable. AC unit in the room didn't work as stated it should. The bathroom is super small, so much that it was very hard to maneuver and take a shower with the for closed. The patio isn't private, in fact it is quite exposed. All in all it was ok for a quick stay, nothing special.

Mel Ezzo
7年 前 – Google


Great hotel, but parking is a joke bordering on a scam. Have stayed here several times with great service and clean room each time. Parking in the other hand is not enough and no matter how fast you think you are, you'll pay for more time than you think you used. This week I was taken again for the minimum 4 dollar charge. I used my 30 minutes by standing in line and taking my luggage to my room. I came back to return car to airport rental and parking said I was 5 minutes past my 30. I didn't think that was the case by my watch. So be prepared to pay for parking time you didn't think you used.

Dan Weisbach
7年 前 – Google


Very nice rooms and comfortable beds. The gym is well equipped and had a second floor view of the courtyard and pool. Nice hotel at a reasonable rate for the bay area!

Roque Mozingo
7年 前 – Google


Delightful staff. Professional but funny too. Good attitude, good conversation at the bar. He offered to validate my parking right off the bat! Go here for your sport watching gatherings, not next door.

Eugene L
7年 前 – Google


Nice, clean and comfortable rooms. A big bonus is free airport long term parking for up to 7 days. Free shuttle around the clock.

Ben Pereira
7年 前 – Google


Room was clean service was good. They let me change my room to a room higher up which was great because all the new years revellers we on the first floor. I have an extra star for that convenience

Susan Battles
7年 前 – Google


Attended New Years Eve Masquerade Ball & Dinner, Dancing, live band and a DJ in between. Ticket proceeds going to great causes. Stayed overnight at hotel. Organizations & people involved: 5 star!! Band & Dancers: Very Good. DJ: Excellent. Dinner: Not so fab/drab...Servers, bartenders very good. Hotel: Ok..comfortable enough. (Except, early for new years day; 9:30am knock on the door by maid service...and rediculous parking strangle-hold...weird...) Overall...Very nice way to ring in the New Year. FUN!

Ryan Nichols
8年 前 – Google


Lots of tvs and a decent bar setup. Drink prices are a little high but not outlandish. The food was decent for the price.

Neil Amorao
8年 前 – Google


Holiday Party.
I was there for a Holiday party. Good food, good service, the hall was spacious and had a large dancefloor. DJ sounded loud, played too much Rap though towards the end. Bartender was very attentive, courteous, friendly guys! I liked the gazebo it was lit up nice. Would go there again. Classy place in Oakland.

8年 前 – Google


If anyone is looking for a great deal on hotels you can check it out on HotelRaven. com Booked this hotel on there and they had the cheapest rates around...

My stay was short so i didn't experience much. But i know that everything worked perfectly. There was a gym, soda vendors and ice machines, a pool which i guess you could turn on the Music for from the gym. The only thing i didn't like was that the ice machine was on the second floor. I was on the third. Had i not went to the gym on the second floor, i would've never found it. Other than that, everything was working, nice, and clean.

Sonal Patel
8年 前 – Google


Wonderful service, great hospitality, great customer service. Convenient location. Good breakfast. Currently being renovated (11/2016).

Eugene Laczynski
8年 前 – Google


This is a wonderful bar and restaurant located near Oakland Airport. They show all the NFL games every Sunday along with most other sports. Real nice atmosphere and just a great place to watch a game and have some good grub

Luis Castro
8年 前 – Google


Good staff and friendly service. Rooms were good size along with comfy beds. Local shuttle services available. Hotel is right next to the airport so there isn't much to do. Best thing about this place is the bar where they had good food and sports on everyday. Breakfast buffet was over priced.

Elliott Jones
8年 前 – Google


I was at HOA for a conference. The food provided by the hotel staff for the conference was very good, not something you can always say, and I'll single the desserts out for special praise. The grounds of the hotel are pleasant and well-maintained - I enjoyed strolling around the facility. And, while this may seem unimportant to some, if you're into Pokemon Go you can catch some really great stuff right on the hotel grounds. Best catch among many: 1045 CP Magnetron right outside the ballroom.

Timothy Proschold
8年 前 – Google


The rooms were recently remodeled, which is nice, but you can tell that the hotel is still a pretty run down place. The multiple building layout also kind of sucks too for a hilton property. The nice thing is it was clean. I did only stay for about 6 hours though due to an early flight.

Kaylee Morgan
8年 前 – Google


Comfortable beds, clean rooms.
Painfully Slow WiFi internet. Digital key is cool for opening guest room door but so far doesn't work on exterior doors or parking access. Defeats the purpose of skipping the front desk.
Decent restaurant/bar/grill on sight.
Conveniently close to Oakland airport.

Shannon Kenney
8年 前 – Google


Internet didn't work in my room. The front desk had an engineer help me. He wasn't able to resolve the issue either. They escalated it to the next tier. After a while of no luck, I asked for another room. They switched my room with no problems. The rooms were both very clean. I am in building 5, the hallway on the third floor smells like marijuana (could be a good thing I guess, depending on what your preference is). This was not the first time that I have stayed in this building and floor..it hasn't smelled like marijuana in the past. Besides the marijuana smell, I would recommend.

Miguel Guzman
9年 前 – Google


the hotel was perfect but i didn't like that the pool closed at dusk its dumb but after all i enjoyed my stay

Austin Ryan
9年 前 – Google


The staff is very polite, but the rooms themselves are a time machine to a decade older than me which is scary. This Hilton probably gets alot of traffic to justify not remodeling, but if you are used to Hilton quality accommodations you'd have better luck at one of the other hotels in the area. Oh did I mention the wifi isn't free? yea...

Mike Morgan
9年 前 – Google


No free WiFi?!?!?! Even Burger King has free WiFI.

I just got back from vacation with family in the Bay Area. I stayed at 3 different hotels and used this one as a home base. Other hotels had free WiFi. Even Evergreen Lodge near Yosemite (which is in the middle of nowhere) had free WiFi.

Had to pay for parking too. It wasn't much, but it was still irritating that Hilton felt the need to nickel and dime me like this.

The room was clean and the staff was excellent so it has the basics. However, WiFi is essentially almost a necessity now. Better hotels have it for free. Free laundry machines is a plus but one washing machine was out of order while I was there. My room had a fridge.

Overall, I'm dissatisfied since similarly priced hotels don't try to get you with these additional charges. Next time I'll remember to not assume hotels do not charge for these amenities.

google user
9年 前 – Google


Very Nice And Very clean. Staff was very polite. We asked for a later check out and they offered a much later time then I would ever expect. Thank you so much for the hospitality. We traveled w/a baby so the later check out time was so much needed. Will stay here again if ever in the area or another Hilton. I loved the sheets on the bed, made my night for sleeping all worth it. Luxury sheets are a must. Trying to buy some now.not too expansive, comfortable, clean and quite, the breakfast very good. Moreover, the hotel was easy to find.This a great venue,This Hilton is nice and is near an International Airport. Great Staff and Great accommodations.I wasn't expecting much, given how bad some of the reviews are. When I got there, I was surprised! The hotel was clean, the staff were great, the beds were comfortable. I liked the pool and the games room, in particular. The food at the sports bar was great and, I thought, reasonably priced (plus there was free popcorn!) We had a great time, and I would recommend this hotel to others, for sure.

Tammy Swanson
9年 前 – Google


Very clean. Staff was some of the best I have come acrossed for a Hotel, very polite. We asked for a later check out and they offered a much later time then I would ever expect. Thank you so much for the hospitality. We traveled w/a baby so the later check out time was so much needed. Will stay here again if ever in the area or another Hilton. I loved the sheets on the bed, made my night for sleeping all worth it. Luxury sheets are a must. Trying to buy some now.