 5 815 beoordelingen

Hampton Inn and Suites Vacaville-Napa Valley

800 Mason Street, Vacaville, CA 95688, Verenigde Staten Toegang

Hampton Inn and Suites Vacaville-Napa Valley

The Hampton Inn & amp; Suites van Vacavillenapa Valley, Californië verwelkomt u. Ons hotel heeft alles wat u zich kunt voorstellen en meer. Geniet van onze prachtige lobby en ruime suites tijdens uw verblijf. Met ons gratis warm ontbijtbuffet op zijn plaats, snelle internettoegang en wifi geïnstalleerd in het hotel, heeft u geen reden om te vertrekken. Als u op het bedrijfsleven reist, biedt ons bedrijfscentrum een ​​pc-, printer-, fax- en fotokopieservice. Dompel een duik in ons verwarmde zwembad of ontspan in onze verwarmde spa. Een training nodig? Geniet van onze trainingsruimte ter plaatse of voor een complete training, geniet van gratis toegang tot fitness 19 op 2 blokken van het hotel. & quot; rijd een beetje en bewaar veel . Vacaville in handig gelegen tussen Sacramento, San Francisco en de Napa Valley. Dus waarom al uw geld uitgeven aan een hotel. Een bedrijfsbijeenkomst, expo, bruiloft of ander sociaal evenement plannen. Het hotel heeft meer dan 5.000 m² aan veranderlijke vergaderruimte. Dus bel ons vandaag en ervaar het Hampton -verschil voor jezelf! Hampton Inn & amp; Suites of Vacaville-& quot; gestemd Business of the Year door de Vacaville Chamber of Commerce Years 2009-2010. & Quot; We houden ervan je hier te hebben bij de Hampton Inn & amp; Suites Vacaville Hotel in Californië!

Conveniently located on I-80 between Sacramento and San Francisco. Just minutes from Travis Air Force Base and the Vacaville Premium Outlets. Further west you will find Budweiser Bottling Company, Six Flags Marine World, Jelly Belly Candy Company and the Napa Valley area. Further east you will find Cache Creek and UC Davis.



  • Internet
    Gratis internet
  • Gratis WiFi
  • High speed internettoegang voor laptop in openbare ruimten
  • Draadloos internet in de openbare ruimtes
  • Vervoer
    Gratis pendeldienst naar de luchthaven
  • Gratis parkeren
  • On-site parkeren
  • Parkeergelegenheid
  • Parkeerplaats
  • Toegang trein
  • Transportdiensten - omgeving
  • Transportdiensten - lokale kantoor
  • Receptie
    24-uurs receptie
  • Bagageruim
  • Vroeg inchecken
  • Snel inchecken
  • Snel uitchecken
  • Receptie
  • Late check-out beschikbaar
  • Technische conciërge
  • Wegwerken
  • Bureau met stopcontact
  • Fotokopieercentrale
  • Algemeen
  • Verwarmde kamers
  • Interior corridors
  • Rookvrije kamers
  • Eigen bad of douche
  • Openbare ruimte voorzien van airconditioning
  • Hotel Service
  • Brandveiligheid compliant
  • Full service huishouding
  • Boodschappendienst beschikbaar
  • Haardroger
  • Huishoudelijke dienst dagelijks
  • Strijkplank
  • Wasserette / was- en strijkservice
  • Kluis
  • Veiligheid
  • Valet reiniging
  • Valet dezelfde dag stomerij
  • Wekservice
  • Reist u met anderen
    Kinderen welkom
  • Speelruimte voor kinderen
  • Huisdieren toegestaan
  • Speelplaats
  • Beschikbaar
    Toegankelijke faciliteiten
  • Liften
  • Evenementen
  • Vergaderzalen
  • Groenvoorzieningen
    Lokale betrokkenheid van de gemeenschap


  • Communicatie
    High speed internet verbinding
  • Luidspreker
  • Voicemail
  • Beddegoed
  • Badkamer
  • Eten & Drinken
    Koffie / thee zetter
  • Magnetron
  • Mini-koelkast
  • Vermaak
  • Kabeltelevisie
  • CNN beschikbaar
  • Films / video
  • Krant
  • Bedrijf
  • Data port
  • Bureau
  • Bureau met lamp
  • Reserve stekkerdoos beschikbaar bij receptie
  • Telefoons met bericht licht
  • Algemeen
    Airconditioning individueel regelbare in de kamer
  • Alarmklok
  • Brandalarm
  • Ijzeren
  • Niet roken
  • Zelfregelend verwarmings- / koelsysteem
  • Rookmelders


  • Wellness
  • Draaikolk
  • Geschiktheid
    Uitoefening gymnasium
  • Fitnesscentrum
  • Sport
  • Tennisbaan
  • Games / films
  • Spelkamer

Eten en drinken

  • Maaltijden
  • Gratis ontbijtbuffet
  • Speciale aandacht
    Gratis cocktails
  • Gratis koffie in de lobby
  • Gratis op de kamer koffie of thee
  • Lobby koffieservice
  • Welkomstdrankje
  • Diensten
    Room service
  • Groen voedsel
    Lokale en seizoensgebonden gerechten
  • Keukenfaciliteiten
    Barbecue grills
  • Keukentje
  • Outlets typt
    Cocktail lounge


  • Gratis ontbijtbuffet
  • Ontbijtbuffet

House beleid

  • Inchecken tijd: 15:00
  • Uitchecken tijd: 12:00

Annuleren beleid
Alle reserveringen moeten worden geannuleerd 24 uur voor TIME HOST TENZIJ Borg gevraagd ALS DIT reservering is elektronisch worden gedaan PLEASE ELEKTRONISCHE annuleren om verwarring te voorkomen en een no-show BILL beleid onder voorbehoud

Reizen met anderen

Kinderen beleid
Kinderen van 18 en onder en een 3e of 4e volwassene verblijven gratis als zij een kamer delen met jullie.

Huisdieren zijn toegestaan ​​op aanvraag.
Huisdieren toegestaan ​​- Puppy Love Package

Gesproken taal

  • Engels

Welkom capaciteit

  • Aantal vergaderzalen: 7
  • Aantal slaapkamers: 83
  • Grootste maat vergaderzaal: 2716 sq. ft.


  • Gratis parkeren
  • On-site parkeren
  • Parkeergelegenheid
  • Parkeerplaats


  • Max aantal zitplaatsen

Natuurlijke omgeving

Eco-vriendelijk actie pand

De milieu-uitdagingen zijn van invloed op het welzijn van mensen en ecosystemen over de hele wereld. Wij streven ernaar om zo efficiënt mogelijk te werken binnen onze waardeketen. Voor koolstofarme toekomst, we verminderen en te bewaken energie- en watergebruik. Als onderdeel van onze toewijding aan onze afval naar stortplaatsen te verminderen, hebben we een brede strategie voor afval gecreëerd en werken samen met WWF om voedselverspilling te verminderen in onze activiteiten en supply chain. Verantwoordelijk inkoop maakt een verschil: we de bron goederen en diensten lokaal mogelijk.

  •  Lokale en seizoensgebonden gerechten
  •  Lokale betrokkenheid van de gemeenschap


ISO 14001

ISO 14001 is een internationaal geaccepteerde standaard die schetst hoe u een effectief milieubeheersysteem kunt plaatsen. Het is ontworpen om bedrijven te helpen commercieel succesvol te blijven zonder de milieuverantwoordelijkheden over het hoofd te zien, zoals: • hun milieuprestaties constant verbeteren • voldoen aan lokale en nationale voorschriften en andere vereisten geabonneerd • Voorkom water, lucht- en grondvervuilingsgevaren • Beheersing en optimaliseer water en energie Consumptie • Bevorderen van afvalrecycling en herstel • Verhoog milieubewustzijn bij werknemers en trainen ze om goede praktijken in hun activiteit aan te nemen • Gebruik eco-label huishoudelijke producten • Gebruik duurzaam bosbouw gecertificeerd papier

ISO 50001

ISO 50001 is gebaseerd op het managementsysteemmodel van voortdurende verbetering die ook wordt gebruikt voor andere bekende normen zoals ISO 9001 of ISO 14001. Dit maakt het gemakkelijker voor organisaties om energiebeheer te integreren in hun algemene inspanningen om de kwaliteit en milieubeheer te verbeteren. ISO 50001 biedt een raamwerk van vereisten voor organisaties om: - een beleid te ontwikkelen voor efficiënter gebruik van energie - doelen en doelstellingen verhelpen om het beleid te bereiken - Gebruik gegevens om beter te begrijpen en te nemen over energieverbruik - meet de resultaten - Bekijk hoe goed Het beleid werkt en verbeteren voortdurend energiebeheer.

Meest nuttige beoordelingen 8 15 beoordelingen

Kim Carr
6 jaren geleden – Google


I would have given this place 5 stars for the simple fact it is a comfortable, clean place that doesn't just allow pets but it allows multiple pets. I had to evacuate my home when my a/c unit broke on a Friday night during a heat wave and was so grateful they had a room and that they allowed multiple dogs. I booked the room for 3 nights and all was great until the last night when my car got broken into in the parking lot! Yes I know it happens everywhere and yes it is park at your own risk and they did the right thing and discounted my stay when they honestly didn't have too and for that I am grateful but just explaining why they didn't get those 5 stars. The hotel and surroundings overall are very safe and I would recommend staying there just park as close to the hotel as you can, even though I parked under a light in the parking lot all the cars (not just mine) were in a row that wasn't as close to the hotel as I guess we should have been!

Matthew Olmo
6 jaren geleden – Google


Good Hampton property. Wish they had digital keys but the rooms are good and the location is great.

kels gz
6 jaren geleden – Google


The front desk, housekeeping and breakfast staff are awesome. Room is clean and spacious. It may be time for an renovation soon.

Layla DiStefano
6 jaren geleden – Google


Most friendly staff I have ever had the pleasure of doing business with, even the housekeeping and maintenance! Everything was clean and the breakfast is so good, freshly made real food too ❣️

Ryan Brown
6 jaren geleden – Google


Held a business training class. Staff was tentative, lunch was good and the place was well kept/ventilated.

Edan Simpson
6 jaren geleden – Google


Looks new or recently renovated. Great breakfast and beautiful common areas. Highly recommend if staying in the area.

Ken Brand
6 jaren geleden – Google


Nice place when you walk in. Large common area to sit down. Nice advantage of rooms open to the inside of the hotel. Conference rooms are a bit small, but do come equipped with amenities.

Jason van der Valk
6 jaren geleden – Google


Friendly, clean and nice hotel. The outdoor poor and hot tube was nice, heated too. Our family enjoyed our time here.

Jenny Baumann
6 jaren geleden – Google


very spacious common area for breakfast. clean and well appointed rooms. disappointed that pool is closed due to some type of issue.

Meg Anderson
6 jaren geleden – Google


My only complaint is that they did not tell us that the pool was closed when we checked in. It was most of the reason we chose the place.
All that aside we enjoyed the stay. The room was clean and well stocked. The breakfast was good --standard free breakfast--and there was a huge dining room. And they allowed pets and had a little pet area outside. Generally a great hotel. :)

Dawna Souza
6 jaren geleden – Google


The experience was incredible. Sarah greeted us at the desk with a smile and was informative and quick. The atmosphere was warming and welcoming. I felt like I was at home. During breakfast, Grandma came and greeted us had small talk. I can't tell you what that meant to me. I am planning another trip there now! I highly recommend it.

Matthew Olmo
6 jaren geleden – Google


One of the best Hampton properties I've started at. Friendly staff with nice rooms. I would recommend this location

Jeremy Ostrem
6 jaren geleden – Google


Beautiful, clean hotel. Amazing Jacuzzi tub in room. Very friendly staff. Delicious breakfast.

Clyde Dechant
6 jaren geleden – Google


Classy place, my former work group had a xmas party here. Was very nice. Good venue

Linda Young
7 jaren geleden – Google


Overall the accommodations were good. The breakfast was great, and the afternoon cookies were good, however the vending machine was out of order, and many times when I called the front desk there was no answer which was annoying. They seemed to be short staffed and taking many smoking breaks adjacent to the front entrance, but the maid service was excellent!

Marie Thomas
7 jaren geleden – Google


This place has serviced us well. We have used them for the past 6 years for our Women's Conference. It's been such a pleasure working with Mary Lou and Darnalynn and the staff. 5 stars for customer service

Richard Viramontes
7 jaren geleden – Google


I enjoyed my stay the rooms were nice and they have breakfast out in the hall in the mornings.

Sean Fox
7 jaren geleden – Google


Had a king room on first floor, very nice room. Hotel was clean and staff was pleasant. Wasn't in actual room for very long but when I was it was nice and quiet

Miguel Maldonado
7 jaren geleden – Google


The room we stayed in was nice, and the complementary breakfast was awesome as always. When we returned to the hotel late at night, we noticed a water leak in the ceiling in the hallway. And by the next morning they were already fixing it. I was really amazed on how quickly they got that fixed. And the front desk was very nice, helpful, and professional. The only thing was that the bed was a little too firm for my taste but other than that, it was a great stay as usual at the Hampton's inn.

7 jaren geleden – Google


I was there briefly, but I liked the common area, high colorful ceilings. The room was spacious, neat, clean. The mini fridge was in working order. Their closet space was a rod behind the curtain which was non standard, but not an issue. Complimentary cookies (2) and a small bottle of water were nice touches. I'd stay here again.

Heather Parker
7 jaren geleden – Google


We stayed on the 3rd floor before our trip to six flags. It was wonderful and my kids enjoyed it. The breakfast was also really good. It was a nice selection. Definately will be staying again!!

Timothy Alexander
7 jaren geleden – Google


This is a nice property with comfortable accommodations and friendly staff. I'm not a fan of Vacaville, but I'm there often for work. The hotel is in an awkward location. It's right off the freeway, so it's easy to find with convenient access on and off. There's not much around, though. There's a tire shop across the street, two gas stations with mini-marts on the opposite corner, and offices on the other corner. You'll have to drive to find a restaurant or store. Rooms have mini-fridges and microwaves, as well as coffee makers. There's a free breakfast - it's typical Hampton Inn mass-produced food with some fresh fruit, oatmeal, and make-your-own waffles (in addition to the mass-produced stuff). I give it four stars because I like it (I don't LOVE it...and the location thing). There's nothing wrong with it. If you need to be in Vacaville, this is a good choice for accommodations.

Clinton Cheong
7 jaren geleden – Google


Pet friendly hotel with no pet fees. Friendly staff. Rooms were clean. On a hot day, they kept the air conditioner on in the room before we checked in so that the room was nice and cool inside.

Diane Brandi
7 jaren geleden – Google


My husband and I love staying here. Pet friendly and a little lawn area for your dogs. And breakfast is always good.

Diane Ko
7 jaren geleden – Google


This hotel is really close to the ice rink, which is great for hockey tournaments held there. The rooms themselves are pretty spacious, which is nice. The beds aren't super comfortable, especially if you're a side sleeper, though the comforter is pretty nice. The shower was decent, with a lot of counter space. The free, hot breakfast is actually pretty good. The biggest downside is that the walls are fairly thin, and I could pretty easily hear anyone above, below, or next to my room.

Subhadip Ghosh
7 jaren geleden – Google


Location is great - right off the highway and close to a bunch of restaurants. The room was good as well, we were 5 people had no issues. All the room doors open to a view of the big breakfast area, which is quite a nice change to the usual corridors. The only issue I felt we're the beds, which were definitely double beds and not queen beds as mentioned in the booking.

7 jaren geleden – Google


Friendly staff, clean and spacious rooms with fridge and microwave, stayed with a kingsize bed and surprise roll out couch/bed. The complimentary breakfast is totally worth the stay. Would definitely stay again!!!

James Katayama
7 jaren geleden – Google


Very nice and clean hotel. Allows dogs with a nice outdoor area for dogs. Stayed here several times never disappointed. Free breakfast.

Abhinash Francis
7 jaren geleden – Google


Vacaville Hampton Inn.. great place to stay.. rooms we well kept.. Front desk clerk went above and beyond to help answer questions and accommodate my request.

Mrs. Edington
7 jaren geleden – Google


Rooms super clean.beds SUPER comfortable. Great breakfast and a gift bag for Hilton honors members

Jack Kemp
7 jaren geleden – Google


Only visited a friend that was staying, the small pool was empty (only 4 1/2 ft deep) but the kids loved it!

James Stanley
7 jaren geleden – Google


Well kept and nice looking, reception is friendly, rooms are easy to find

Rich Fischer
7 jaren geleden – Google


A huge Thank you to Mary Lou Gray, Bob Brown and the entire staff. Of all the places we hold our YarnellSchool painting workshops, no body takes better care of us then this location and their staff! Looking forward to seeing you all again next year👍👍👍😀

Emily Zeglin
7 jaren geleden – Google


Good location, good meeting rooms, friendly staff

Black Noyzz
7 jaren geleden – Google


They upgraded their rooms and took away the closets and coffee tables. I say put them back. At least the coffee table.

Nick Simes
7 jaren geleden – Google


Consistent with other Hampton Inns I have stayed in. Clean room, nice breakfast

Gloria Chaidez
7 jaren geleden – Google


We have been in Hampton Inn 3 times in the last 3 years. It is a great place for parties.

Janice clark
7 jaren geleden – Google


Very nice hotel in a great location. A lot to do within walking distance. Excellent staff! Very helpful. Breakfast was great and the cooks are very accommodating to special request. The rooms could use some updating.

Jeremy pryor
7 jaren geleden – Google


Nice place, breakfast is ok. Always hot coffee and drinks available.

Sébastien Fournier
7 jaren geleden – Google


Very nice hotel. Clean room. Good service.

Tammy Thompson-Willis
8 jaren geleden – Google


Clean and comfortable room. Nice to have breakfast on site. Wish the food choices were better though. Not.healthy enough for me. But the server provided us eggs without cheese since I asked.

abesh mubaraki
8 jaren geleden – Google


Neat and tidy room, comfortable bed, good breakfast, and convenient location (right off the freeway exit).

M McCuistion
8 jaren geleden – Google


Clean. Friendly staff. Dogs permitted no extra charge. Not too bad breakfast included. Decent value. Hard bed, crappy cable and Wi-Fi. TV too low to watch from the bed. But I'd stay there again as it's probably the best hotel in Vacaville.

8 jaren geleden – Google


My stay was absolutely great. The frint office greeted us and made everything clear as to where it was. The breakfast was also great. Nothing bad to say about this hotel.

Rebecka Raina
8 jaren geleden – Google


The hotel resides right off the freeway, so it is easy to get to or find. While my last visit her was for my daughters swimming lessons, I have stayed here before and had a great experience. The rooms are very clean and spacious. The bed are a little hard for my taste. Breakfast is the standard hotel breakfast, so it's not really anything special. The pool is always clean, but there needs to be more shade mad available because the pool is in direct sunlight all day. One of my favorite things about this hotel is that it has a glass elevator, and being claustrophobic I am able to ride in it!

Michael Halady
8 jaren geleden – Google


Stayed for one night on a business trip.
Front Reception person was friendly and welcoming, the room was clean and tidy. Probably one of the first rooms I've been in for a while where the air conditioner filter was clean. The unit was a bit loud though.

The complimentary breakfast had the typical offerings but were higher quality items and thoughtfully laid out which was really nice.

Adith Subramanian
9 jaren geleden – Google


Staff is great and the cleaning people are on point. The room is great and has no issues at all. Would recommend to a friend!

MR.justin Delaplaine
9 jaren geleden – Google


great hotel worth every penny great service very cleanly rooms friendly staff breakfast choices so many choices

connie Stone
9 jaren geleden – Google


On June 25th we held a Celebration of Life for my sister, Gwendy Frost. Steven Chastant (Director Of Operations) went over every detail and made it a memorable event for everyone! Cedric (Events/Maintence) was AMAZING! He helped us during the celebration and was there even before we needed him, refilling water and assisting us throughout our time there. It turned out absolutely beautiful, my sister would have loved it! Thanks Again!

Calmneasy Miller
9 jaren geleden – Google


We had always associated the Hampton name with mid-level or better hotels, but this hotel had more of an lower-end hotel chain feel. One thing that management should have picked up on a long time ago, is those filthy glass (or plastic) look through walls in the elevators. Even though some of the cleaning supplies were blocking the hallways on several occasions, when we got back from our balloon flight at 3:30 PM, our room wasn't cleaned yet.

Brian Alexander
10 jaren geleden – Google


Great staff, pet friendly, super clean rooms, great price, and one of the better free breakfast bars I've seen at a Hampton Inn.