 5 836 отзывов


3230 Parkway,P O Box 1383, Pigeon Forge, TN 37868, США доступа


место отдыха Inn® отеля в Pigeon Forge, TN является IdealThis Идеальное расположение отеля ставит все Pigeon Forge в непосредственной близости. Гости могут использовать US-441, чтобы добраться до и от Pigeon Forge, Sevierville и Gatlinburg, TN. Наше жилье на 100% свободной от табачного дыма, а также, так что ваша семья может остаться в чрезвычайно весело comfort.The никогда не заканчивается в Pigeon Forge, TN. Гости нашего отеля могут провести день или два в знаменитом Долливуд тематический парк, или иметь шумный время на Dixie Stampede. Титаник Музей предлагает заглянуть в самый известный морской катастрофой всех времен. Если на улице ваша страсть, Грейт-Смоки-Национальный парк, отель nearby.The отдыха Inn® Pigeon Forge является идеальным местом, чтобы провести деловую встречу или конвенции. Состоянии-арт, смежный конференц-центр вмещает групп от 10 до 1000 человек. Вы можете поддерживать связь с офисом, сидя рядом с камином в фойе, в бизнес-центре или в вашей комнате с вниманием персонала бесплатное Wi-Fi access.The к деталям находит свое отражение во всех нас, так что вы наслаждаться вашим пребыванием в Pigeon Forge - Gatlinburg область. При подаче с нами, вы можете совершить приятную купанием в крытый бассейн с подогревом, или насладиться полежать в джакузи, пока дети играют аркадные игры в игровой комнате. Гриль Луи дает вам шанс иметь большую еду, не выходя из отеля. Мы готовы к вашему приезду и не может ждать, чтобы сказать, Добро пожаловать домой!



3230 Parkway,P O Box 1383, Pigeon Forge, TN 37868, США


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    Прямая телефонная линия
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  • Общественный площадь кондиционером
  • Телефон Адаптер Гнездо доступны
  • Услуги в отеле
    Банкомат / Банкомат
  • Сухая чистка
  • Бесплатный газеты в вестибюле
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  • Магазины и коммерческие услуги
  • Путешествия с другими
    Дети в возрасте до 12 лет питаются бесплатно
  • Дети едят завтрак БЕСПЛАТНО
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  • Отдельная ванная комната
  • Еда и напитки
    Кофеварка / Чайник
  • Континентальный завтрак включен
  • Микроволновая печь
  • Мини-холодильник
  • Развлекательная программа
    Бесплатная пресса
  • Премиум каналы с кинофильмами
  • Спутниковое телевидение
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  • Телевидение
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    Письменный стол с лампой
  • Запасная электрическая розетка доступна на стол
  • Генеральная
    Кондиционер с индивидуальным контролем в номере
  • Гладильная доска
  • Не курить


  • Бассейн
    Внутренний бассейн
  • Велнес
  • фитнес
    Фитнес-центр на месте
  • спорт
  • Теннисный корт

Еда и напитки

  • Сервисы
    Обслуживание номеров
  • Кухонное оборудование
  • Выходы типа


  • Дети едят завтрак БЕСПЛАТНО

Политика Дом

  • Заезд: 15:00
  • Отъезд: 11:00

Путешествие с другими

  • Дети в возрасте до 12 лет питаются бесплатно
  • Дети едят завтрак БЕСПЛАТНО

Политика Дети
1 ребенок в возрасте 1 лет или под проживание БЕСПЛАТНО

Знание иностранных языков

  • Английский
  • Французский
  • Хинди
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  • Испанский

Добро пожаловать емкость

  • Количество конференц-залов: 9
  • Количество спальных комнат: 206
  • Самый большой размер конференц-зала: 7616 sq. ft.
  • Вместимость самого большого конференц-зала: 1000


  • Бесплатная парковка
  • На территории отеля
  • Парковка


  • Флипчарт и маркеры
  • Микрофон
  • Доски
  • Аналоговое подключение к интернету
  • ДВД плеер
  • Трибуна (стоя)
  • ЖК-проектор
  • Аренда видеомагнитофона
  • 35-проектор
  • Совещание группы скидки / пакеты, доступные
  • Проектор данных
  • Кодоскоп

Окружающая среда

Зеленый Недвижимость с Действие

Мы считаем, что интеграция социальных и экологических факторов в нашей бизнес-стратегии и операций будет играть ключевую роль в устойчивости нашей компании и секторе путешествий и туризма. Мы управляем и свести к минимуму вредное воздействие на окружающую среду путем мониторинга и сокращения использования энергии, воды и отходов. Мы также используем био-чистые моющие средства и поощрение местных инициатив в области устойчивого развития, такие, как с низким содержанием углерода альтернативными видами транспорта.

  •  Участие местного сообщества


Green Engage

Система IHG Green Engage-это наша программа устойчивого развития в масштабах группы. Это позволяет отелям отслеживать, измерять и сообщать о своем углеродном следе и потреблении коммунальных услуг, а также рекомендует более 200 «зеленых решений», которые помогают обеспечить большую устойчивость. Система IHG Green Engage: • Измеряет энергию, отходы и водопользование • Рекомендует более 200 зеленых решений для уменьшения воздействия на наши энергии, отходы и водопользования на окружающую среду • Поддерживает отели для создания планов и целей действия окружающей среды • Содействие локальному Инициативы по устойчивому развитию, такие как альтернативные средства с низким содержанием углерода. Был разработан набор рекомендаций, направленных на сохранение и защиту местной флоры и фауны на месте и фауны и более широких региональных экосистем. Это включает в себя советы по управлению зелеными пространствами и долгосрочными стратегиями защиты местных сред.

Полезности отзывы 8 36 отзывов

6 лет назад – Google


Love the hotel. I had my doubts due to the other reviews. However, my room was perfect. The staff was extremely friendly. Breakfast was pretty good. The hallways are not finished being renovated and the shower is badly designed are my only negative.

Jessica Brewer
6 лет назад – Google


Location is great, but that's about it. They recently finished renovating the lobby and pool. The lobby is pretty, but the rooms need renovating. Our room was clean, but the bathroom door was falling apart, the fridge area had a sour smell, and the a/c didn't work as it should. The bathroom was a weird set up. There was no tub, and the entrance to the walk in shower was directly behind the open bathroom door. Very inconvenient. We tried the pool every day for the three nights we stayed. The waterfall fixture was never on. There were clumps of hair in both the pool and hot tub one day. Another day there was hair in the pool and an empty beer can next to the pool at 10 am. Unless they do some major renovating on the rooms, will probably not be back. We stay in the area every year, and this is the least favorite place we have stayed. The staff is very pleasant and polite, no problems with them.

Tracy Atkins
6 лет назад – Google


This hotel is no longer the Holiday Inn. It is now privately owned and called The Ramsey Hotel. The change is so new that most people in the area don't know about it yet. The lobby area is very nice and updated but the rooms have remained the same. It was hot in the hallways where the rooms are. Our room door was difficult to latch when you closed it. The maid left it unlatched when they came in to clean in the first day. I reported it to the desk & got the answer that most of them are like that. There should be more concern about guest safety and the maids should be instructed to check all doors when they leave to insure they are properly latched for the safety of the guests and their property. Breakfast was good and the staff there was friendly.

Reba Hill
6 лет назад – Google


This place is AMAZING. The staff are extremely nice and caring. The room's are gorgeous and comfortable. The pool is AWESOME....LOVED this place. I will definitely go back. Highly recommend

Kevin Wormald
6 лет назад – Google


We got told a few days before arriving that the Hotel had changed hands (now called 'the Ramsey') we didn't get a complementary breakfast, however the hotel still had evidence of the old Holiday Inn around the place. Lovely people good service and free parking aswell. The picture is of the mountains close by.

Christina Arthurs
6 лет назад – Google


Couldn't give higher because there is noisy remodling going on. It has switched hands to The Ramsey Hotel. Breakfast was good. Bed was excellent. Room was big. TV was big. Bathroom could have been bigger. Doors & carpets need upgraded. But I'm assuming the upgrades will happen soon.

Tim Knipp
6 лет назад – Google


The staff here is good and very willing to help, but they are currently being greatly hampered by all the renovations going on. Lots of banging during the day, halls blocked by construction crews and equipment, and wifi problems caused by careless workers drilling in the wrong places. Two of the three days we were here we had to do without internet in our room most of the day.
Also, maybe part of the renovations, I'm not sure, but I have never before, anywhere, taken a shower in a shower with no door. Someone sold this hotel on a cool idea, but water still gets all over the bathroom floor.

Joshua Welker
6 лет назад – Google


Great service. Awesome friendly staff. Room was very clean and comfortable. Some of the place is a little dated, but they are renovating. Nice pool and hot tub.

Matt Kuerth
6 лет назад – Google


My brother, dad, and myself spent an overnight here. The bar had just re-opened from the renovations others have mentioned in their reviews. The staff was incredibly friendly, especially the bar team. The food at the bar was also really, really good!

The renovated lobby area is really welcoming and nicely done.

The room was just average, we felt as though it could be spruced up a bit... But it was clean and quiet on the 5th floor.

Very happy with our stay

Tammy Knapp-Stanton
6 лет назад – Google


Okay y’all, I got a little scared when I read the reviews. We needed a last minute hotel because we were passing through and wanted to stop at some local shops and the aquarium. This place is NOT THAT BAD, like you might think reading some of these reviews. The rooms were a little old, and they definitely need more outlets. But the construction and updating looks fantastic. The lobby is immaculate. The staff was friendly and the indoor pool was very nice. The construction workers that are there are very kind and quiet with their noise. The hotel is on the main road, but set back a bit so you don’t hear the loudness of the parkway. I definitely recommend this holiday inn, especially for the price.

Felicia Almanza
6 лет назад – Google


Room is a little outdated but was clean and beds are very comfortable! Definitely would stay again. The breakfast bar is okay. Only cared for the biscuits personally. They have a huge seating area which is nice. Pool was open but still under renovation.

kindra beck
6 лет назад – Google


They are remodeling so if you can stand a little disorganization, it’s a great place to stay. Pool is fantastic and breakfast is hot and plenty of it. People are super nice. Bathroom was a little outdated but beds we’re new and very comfortable. Location is right behind Cheddars restaurant and Hannahs and a dessert place. Great place to stay for a great price. Once it’s completly remodeled, it will be wonderful.

Sheena Shepard
6 лет назад – Google


Ill be 100% honest after reading all the reviews i was completely scared upon arrival, however my experience here has been very pleasant. The staff have been very friendly, the room was very clean as well as keeping up with the cleanliness during our stay. Yes this place is old and some aspects are outdated but they are in the middle of renovations which will make this place even better. The pool/hot tub made for a nice relax after a long day on the town. Breakfast just makes it a plus. Overall we have been very pleased with our stay and plan to stay again during our next trip to the smokies.

Doug Kleine
6 лет назад – Google


Very nice and clean. They are currently remodeling their restaurant and pool area. This looks like it is going to be real nice.

Sophie Freeman
6 лет назад – Google


I want to start off by saying everything is clean. My stay here hasn’t been bad except they caused an inconvenience. They turned the water off this morning without informing any guests and when I asked why the water wasn’t working, a worker responded “because they turned it off” in a very impolite manner. I then asked the maids across my room and they said they would call down and ask how much longer it would be off (customer service done the right way). The fact that my family has to get ready for the day (which usually starts with showering or using the bathroom) but can’t because the staff didn’t inform the guests of what they would be doing is unprofessional. Our plans have to be postponed which is extremely displeasing and also why I’ve left of 3 stars.

Breanna Allen
7 лет назад – Google


This hotel has fabulous staff. The location is great. Being on the strip it makes a good place to get to everything you want to do. The rooms themselves are very clean and comfortable. The whole hotel os very comfortable we enjoyed our stay greatly.

Matthew Marshall
7 лет назад – Google


It's not fancy, but it's nice which is the kind of place you want. The front desk staff was very polite and funny. The rooms were clean and the building was in great condition. The price was in line with what you'd expect for a chain hotel and the location gives easy access to the surrounding restaurants, shops and attractions.

Bill Roper
7 лет назад – Google


Staff was nice, rooms were clean. Nice lobby and resteraunt. A little disappointed with the swimming pool water was cold and didn't have towels out a couple of days however they were short staffed for Thanksgiving.

Violet Jackson
7 лет назад – Google


I was in town for a Red Hat convention some 250+. Service could not have been better! Rooms are clean and mattresses are comfy. Remodel is taking place next year.
The whole place was decorated for
Christmas and very festive! There is a very nice pool area and a restaurant. Your stay in the Smokies
Will be most enjoyable. There are numerous activities for you and the kids. Lots of shopping ladies!

Don Annis
7 лет назад – Google


This hotel needed renovation 10 years ago, but since it is located along the 'strip' in Pigeon Forge they can still charge what they want and folks will pay it because of its location. The rooms are frumpy, that is the carpet and furnishings are old and well worn. Wall paper is peeling in places. The A/C is loud and roared all night. Amenities are few. But, the place was clean. The parking lot is more than adequate and well lighted. Most Holiday Inns are better than this place. The really sad story is that many hotels along the strip in this area are not much better.

Tracy Peak
7 лет назад – Google


Staff was very friendly and helpful. The room could use a tad of maintenance but nothing that made the experience bad. Stayed here because we were kicked to this hotel after the timeshare resort 8 miles away chose to overbook their hotel and gave us 3 days warning that our accommodations changed.

Rohan Thakkar
7 лет назад – Google


Very nice hotel. Right in the center of town. Front desk service was okay. Room was clean but the bathroom was not as clean. The tub did not drain the water as quick as it was coming out of the shower. Overall service and cleanliness I give it 3.5 out of 5.

Sarek Futch
7 лет назад – Google


This hotel is appealing from the outside. Loved the little Chapel outside as well, it is great for pictures! The location is right off the parkway and is a short skip away from great restaurants and shopping. Tons of parking. Love all the flagpoles coming in as well. Nice touch :)

Marty Garrett
7 лет назад – Google


Very nice lobby. Staff very friendly. Room was very clean as well as towels and bedding. Restaurant atmosphere great, but food was not. Pool area was clean but the pool water was cloudy with a horrible smell. The smell was on our swimwear the next day.

Toni Kessinger
7 лет назад – Google


The hotel was quite nice and the lobby was very inviting. The room was suitable however the bathtub did not look clean. Even with the cleanliness not up to par we would stay there again.

Adam Woods
7 лет назад – Google


Great looking place inside and out. The rooms are clean, beds are decent. Only downside to this place is no continental breakfast/complimentary breakfast. Other then that I would recommend anyone to stay here.

Gina Brown
7 лет назад – Google


For the price I paid for this room, I expected more. The lobby looks amazing but the rooms need a serious deep clean! My husband has a machine that has to be plugged in next to the bed and not only was it half a room away, we moved the couch and there was so much dust built up behind it that I went into a sneezing fit. The bathroom door was falling apart and it was obvious that cleaning was not high on their priority list. I paid for the breakfast to be included and it was decent all 3 days we are there. Did not utilize the pool. Close to lots of things in pigeon forge though!

Arthur Johnson
7 лет назад – Google


Clean and comfortable - staff was friendly and helpful. Only problem we had was trying to get the room temperature right. Not the hotel's fault.

Robin Ellenburg
7 лет назад – Google


Our stay was here was wonderful!! The reason for 4 stars is because of the breakfast bar they only had it 1 day so we were limited to what we could order but our waitress Sherry what EXCELLENT she went above and beyond to satisfy us. We come to mountains every year or so and would stay here again.

Rebecca Gaines
7 лет назад – Google


My husband and I arrived at the hotel on April 20, 2017 around 3:15 pm. There were two (2) employees behind the registration desk, a man and a woman. The woman was helping a customer. The man glanced at my husband and me a few times and finally decided to ask if he could help us. I could tell my his mannerisms and nonverbal communication that he did not want to be there or to help us. We walked over to where he was, and my husband gave him his name. He quickly glanced through his PAPER file, and rudely and brashly stated, "I don't have no Gaines'. He said, "are you sure that you have the right Holiday Inn?" I said, "our reservation is with the Holiday Inn at 3230 Parkway". He said, "this is 3230, but I don't have a Gaines" ( as he quickly and angrily looked through his paper file again). His ATTITUDE was so unnecessary and unacceptable. He was downright RUDE. He didn't try to figure out if my husband's name was misfiled. He made no effort to find our reservations. I finally said, "yes we do have a reservation, AND the reservation has been paid in full. I have my confirmation number in the motorcycle. I will go and get it". He said, "yes, if you have your confirmation number that will help". I walked to the front door, but I was called back to the desk by my husband because the employee found our reservation. Someone had misfiled the paper reservation. It was filed under my husband's first name instead of his last name. He gave us keys, but made NO effort to apologize for the mistake and his rude attitude.

I usually do not take time out of my busy day to write a review, but I am still upset about how we were treated. We had paid for 3 days, but ended up staying for 4 days. It was raining, and we were driving a motorcycle.

My husband is retired from the military and is a Vietnam Veteran. He also worked 17 years in the medical field. I have a doctorate in nursing, and I am a family nurse practitioner. We are professionals; therefore, we know how people should be treated.

The rest of our interactions with employees were pleasant. I just wanted to report this very rude employee. Hopefully, no other customers will have to take his rude treatment.

Thanks very much,
Dr. Rebecca M. Gaines

Big E Hess
7 лет назад – Google


Have stayed here several times. Use to be a nice hotel but it's sliding down hill fast. Not as clean as it once was and I would avoid the restaurant at all cost. We went there to get breakfast and half was burnt to hell, and the other half was raw. Four people and all four of us received food that was inedible. Raw eggs and pancakes that were burnt black. Lobby looks nice still but everything else is getting run down. Wall and ceiling in shower area was showing mildew and the obvious attempt to cover up mold and mildew.

Robert Richmond
7 лет назад – Google


We attended a time share in Gatlinburg, but instead of putting us up at the time share place or the holiday inn next to it, we were given a room here. It was no problem as we wanted a adjoining room (which we paid for) because of our large group. The hotel was very accommodating is setting this up for us. There was no free breakfast or anything, though they do have a restaurant that serves food, unsure of the hours though. Rooms were nice and clean, the beds and pillows were comfortable. The shower temp fluctuated a little bit, but wasn't bad.

The pool leave a little to be desired, kind of small, and has water fall feature that wasn't on.

It is near everything in and around Pigeon Forge. So it's not a total bust.

Nashidul Islam
7 лет назад – Google


Decent place. I would have given them 5 star but just for their indoor pool and the small size of it I will give them 4 stars...

Jeff H
7 лет назад – Google


Got pulled into a Time Share meeting. Instead of putting us in the actual time share building, or the Holiday inn express next door, they put us here. I had such a good night's sleep and slept so deep my sleep apnea kicked in hard core. I was told I stopped breathing a couple of times I was sleeping so hard. I woke up really well rested.

Greg Spicer
7 лет назад – Google


Nice Hotel. Really classy lobby. Rooms were clean

Sajad Al-Sumayin
7 лет назад – Google


The lobbybis fancy. The whole interior need upgrades. The carpet was full of hair. There was a brown patch on the bed sheet. So it wasn't clean. They take $50 hold when u arrive and promise to refund it within 5 business days. But for me it's been more than 7 days and I still contact them to get my money. The swimming pool is horrible! The only good thing is tge location.

Andrew Rushing
7 лет назад – Google


Good location on the strip. Appeared to be recently updated. Very clean. Great conference area. Wonderful stay.

Martin Lemyre
7 лет назад – Google


Located close to the action with a great pool and hot-tub. Rooms are clean and service is accomodating.

Kayla Lee
8 лет назад – Google


It was a great place and it has wonderful service. It was nice and the rooms were nice and clean and staff were very friendly

Jamison Donato
8 лет назад – Google


Lobby looks great. Warm and inviting. The rest of the property needs some serious updating. Carpet in the rooms in disgusting stained and turned out white socks black. Mildew in bathrooms probably because there's no vent or exhaust fan. AC doesn't seem to always work and it's extremely noisy. There's a single electrical outlet on the desk lamp for charging phone's, laptop, etc. If your not out of your room by 9 am then don't plan to have your room serviced. Probably won't stay here again given the choice. I'll take my money elsewhere.

Justin Vogel
8 лет назад – Google


Very nice hotel. Room was clean and well taken care of , although the rooms are a tad out dated the lobby and rest of hotel was beautiful. Staff was wonderful and nice to deal with.

Sumitha Tharasingh
8 лет назад – Google


Convenient location, a decent place.to stay for a few days to cover the Great Smokies. Room service, pool and restaurant is nice to have. Every floor has a sitting area. Nice entry lounge. Keep curtains open for views if any. Old A/C units, makes noise. Rooms may get a bit stuffy.

Melanie Hempel
8 лет назад – Google


Room is a little outdated. The bathroom door is splintering and the tub is worn. The mini fridge is not up to participate and shows signs of serious wear. The food was not up to par. There was one person in charge of cooking, serving, and clearing dishes. The food was overcooked. She was not able to do it all and I would now not eat there again.

Chris Lowe
9 лет назад – Google


Rooms were dated but clean. Could definitely use some remodeling. Pool was nice but the fitness center was definitely lacking.

Cory Lawson
9 лет назад – Google


It's right in the middle of town, convenient to everything. Beautiful building and the rooms are clean. Staff are great.

Kelsey Morris
9 лет назад – Google


Very clean rooms! The staff was amazing and very helpful.

Crystal freeman
9 лет назад – Google


Checked in today, and we will be here for a week. The staff is very friendly, I found nothing wrong with our rooms. (we booked two rooms)